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Member Since 17 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 14 2010 05:14 PM

Topics I've Started

xp-dependent encounters

13 September 2010 - 02:36 PM

Okay, so here's a 2 part question.

The situation:  I'm looking to set up 4 encounters which spawn if a certain NPC is in the party AND the party is just barely able to handle them.  These are meant to be very difficult battles.

Part 1: I'm assuming that there's an easy way to script a tally of the party's total xp (since I don't want to assume party size and set an impossible challenge in front of a smaller party.)  Assuming that you're talking to somebody who knows almost nothing about scripting, how do I do that?

Part 2: In order to make these encounters very difficult, I need to know how powerful to make the cre's.  What do you think are reasonable levels for the assailants of the following encounters?

Encounter 1 - LevelPartyGT(9) - consists of 1 Kensai and 1 Archer

Encounter 2 - LevelPartyGT(11) - consists of 1 Abjurer, 1 Conjurer, 1 Priest of Talos, 1 Assassin, and 1 Wizard Slayer

Encounter 3 - LevelPartyGT(13) - consists of 1 Mage (vanilla), 1 Necromancer, 1 Jester, and 1 Inquisitor

Encounter 4 - LevelPartyGT(15) - consists of just 1 Monk

Thanks in advance!

Adding innate abilities by level

09 September 2010 - 01:12 PM

So, I've been looking through the tutorials to find a solution, but no luck yet.  I'd like to give my NPC the Blade's Offensive Spin (GA_spcl521) once per day at level 5, 15, 25, and 35.  Is there a way to do this that doesn't involve making an entirely new kit for the character and gives the ability at those levels (not all at once when they join?)

More Parse Errors?

07 September 2010 - 01:45 PM

So, I'm working on installing an NPC and I've run into a very strange problem.  To make a long story short, here's what I'm getting from the installer:


And here's the bit of dialogue it's getting stuck on, beginning with line 27:


So, as far as I know, starting a piece of dialogue with "SAY ~" is pretty standard.  I've got a whole mess of dialogue above it that starts exactly the same way and that's getting through the installer, so can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

[HELP WANTED] Coder, General Modding Staff

05 September 2010 - 03:14 PM

Posted by: ottomadenedamotto (but you can call me Otto)

Date posted: 09/05/2010

Looking for: Coder and anyone interested in helping

Details: I'm a novice modder working on my first full mod, an NPC intended to have a slightly more realistic friendship track. In a technical sense, the friendship is based around dialogue options which incrementally increase or decrease one of several variables. Those variables need to be above a certain level for the friendship talks to occur. Instead of a romance, there's a similar attraction variable which unlocks flirtpack-type options and casual encounters.

I suspect that I'll have to finish it all by my lonesome, but I'd love to have some help. The dialogue's coming along well. I'd say I'm about halfway done with the friendship track as of this posting. What I need, though, is somebody who has at least a good idea of the coding/scripting fundamentals (spawning creatures, making sure the dialogue fires when it's supposed to, etc.) Ideally, I'd like for somebody to take a look at what I've written so far, make sure all the code's as it should be, and write up the scripts needed to do what I'm intending it to. I'm still figuring out how to make items and creatures, so I could definitely use some help with that too, but my needs are very modest there: just a few simple, unique items and 4 encounters which spawn if the NPC is in the party.

I suspect that an experienced modder can give me what I need with less than 2 hours of work, total. Naturally, I'll give appropriate credit for any contributions made to the mod, as well as offer what assistance I can give to you in return.

If you're interested in helping, or for more detail on the NPC, please e-mail me at ottomadenedamotto@gmail.com

Non-Joined NPC Dialogue

21 August 2010 - 07:28 PM

Okay, so here's another thing that's got me scratching my head.  All the dialogue tutorials I've seen have to do with party members talking to each other.  I just can't for the life of me figure out how to make two non-party NPCs have a conversation once in sight of Player1.  I tried, but it caused a parsing error in the installer.  I figure that I'm way off, but here's the patchwork script I threw together from what I've seen in some tutorials:

This is meant to be Eilthyra's override script, where she has a conversation with Aiden, then walks off to disappear.  For the curious reader, Aiden (a joinable NPC) has an override script to approach Player1 and begin her default dialogue file when AidenTalksToEilthyra=1, but that one didn't bring up any parsing errors, so here's hoping.

CHAIN IF ~Global("EilthyraExists","GLOBAL",1)
   !See([ENEMY])~ THEN EILTHYRA AidenTalksToEilthyra
~We're talking.~
DO ~SetGlobal("AidenTalksToEilthyra","GLOBAL",1)~
== Aiden ~Yep.~
== Eilthyra ~We sure are!~
== Aiden ~Okay, I'm sick of looking at you.  Fuck off.~

   RESPONSE #100

So, where am I going wrong here?  Does this need to be split into a script file and a dialogue file?  If so, how do I get the script to launch the dialogue?