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Member Since 15 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2010 12:09 PM

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In Topic: Windows XP Installation Question

15 August 2010 - 11:21 AM

I'm reasonably sure I have this right, but:

(1) Install each of the 4 games on the hard drive, using maximum full install.

(2) Patch the games using the latest, most up-to-date patches.

(3) Use the BGT installer.

(4) Install any additional mods.

Am I missing anything significant?

In Topic: Windows XP Installation Question

15 August 2010 - 10:44 AM

Anywhere where it suits you. Moreover before you install BGT:
Check if moviecd5.bif is in your Baldur's Gate\movies\ folder. If not copy this file from your Baldur's Gate DVD to this folder.


Okay. I'm through the TosTC installation now and am starting SoA. Thanks for the help, I'll be back if it blows up in my face again.

In Topic: Windows XP Installation Question

15 August 2010 - 10:15 AM

Did you do a full installation of Baldur's Gate (all boxes ticked) and Tales of the Sword Coast (all boxes ticked)?

Moreover it is not recommended to install BG1 or BG2 into your program files folder.


I have the DVD version of the original BG and just agreed to all of the initial instructions, selecting "Full" whenever possible. I should put it somewhere other than the Program Files folder? Where should I put it, then?

I guess what I'll do first is a full reinstall, because it's possible I screwed that up somewhere.

In Topic: Windows XP Installation Question

15 August 2010 - 09:54 AM

Press ENTER?


I may be an idiot when it comes to PCs, but I'm not that stupid. <_<

It says Invalid directory, or incorrect installation.