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Member Since 14 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 15 2010 05:23 AM

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In Topic: Suggested BG Series Mods?

14 August 2010 - 02:35 PM

No, NO, NO. You either install it into the BG1 folder and then play it in the BG1 game... or... you install the BGT into the BG2 folder

Thanks ! I actually tried to install it in the BG2 directory after installing BGT but it was not working. Probably beacause I'm doing that on linux, with an international version of BG1&2... I'll try again tomorrow.

In Topic: Suggested BG Series Mods?

14 August 2010 - 11:59 AM

And the Unfinished Business is of course the BG1UB, not the regular UB... as the Tutu doesn't have any BG2 content.

I'm wondering where & when to install BG1 UB with BG trilogy : as far as I understand I must install it in my BG 1 folder, after the installation of BGT. But I was thinking that BGT copied all the needed data from BG1 directory and thus modifying BG1 would be useless ??