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Wulven Wanderer

Member Since 07 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2010 10:07 PM

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Suggested BG Series Mods?

08 August 2010 - 11:22 AM


I am about to play through the Baldur's Gate series again (I saw the post below, but I think that person is looking for different specs?)and was wondering if I could have some suggestions as to mods/BGT/BWPs to install?

For some notes:

-I'm not sure if I want to play through all of them as one game... primarily because I don't know what that works with. Would I be able to run things like Gatekeeper? Will the play experience somehow be cheapened? I could always just try it and see what happens; but, I also am not very good with this whole modding thing so I would likely fail miserably.

-I generally don't mind if a mod changes up a quest, so long as existing spoken dialogue is not ruined and/or the quest itself is made better and not worse. I would prefer if the integrity of the original experience is not "ruined" I suppose.

-I like difficulty tweaks so long as they don't make the game obnoxiously difficult. I recently played through IceWind Dale again with a ton of mods and ramped up the difficulty... only to find that ten minute long battles against normalish enemies are not as fun as they sound on paper.

-Ease of Use/Bags of Holding tweaks are not necessarily bad. In IWD I did not mind the infinite stacking for arrows/infinite space in bags.

-New NPCs are cool so long as they don't mess up the general playing experience.

I guess basically I want as much possible new play-value without making the original experience a mess. The mod (example) Ascension sounded cool, but in that case I was not so sure how much of the original BG remained?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I tried this on my own a year ago and failed at it because, quite frankly, there are just too many mods to keep up with.

On a slightly unrelated sidenote: Is the Collector's Edition BG2 material located on a different CD? I vaguely remember a different CD slip for it but am not sure...