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Member Since 06 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2010 11:51 AM

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In Topic: Big World 9.2, Wild Mage kit failure in BG1

06 August 2010 - 10:26 PM

Ok, I'm a bit new at this... I can create a wild mage but everytime it reloads the character becomes a generic mage. At first I thought I had figured out what was going on. Since a clean game doesn't have an actual CLABMA01.2DA I can only assume they're hard coded into the game. so I tried a creating blank CLABMA01.2da in the override folder. Didn't work... I'm really not sure if my problem is the kitlist, because with or without the loader I can create one, it just won't stay put afterwards....

Trying to figure out someway to hot fix this, because I'd rather not have start my other game over again, and not have to take up the space of having another SOA folder.

I wonder if deleting the CLABMA entries out of CHITIN.KEY and removing the files from the biff will work.
Unfortunately I have no idea how do either of those things. I've been looking for some sort of KEY editor but no luck so far.

Attached File  BWS-Selection.txt   4.36K   255 downloads

After a bit more poking around in Nearinfinity, it seems like what's happening is the game is changing the characters kit ID from 0x80000000(2147483648) to 0x800041c8(2147500488)