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Member Since 06 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2010 01:48 PM

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In Topic: DVD Incompatible

06 August 2010 - 01:09 PM

Ok, that's still me. I obviously should have registered from the start.
It's kind of stupid to buy the game and still couldn't play it, so I would really love to get an
answer/fix for my problem. I'm not sure If I'll get any so I'm just downloading CD2 from torrents
which is also stupid :) I do believe though that the mods are worth all the trouble, since I already am playing
BigPicture for BG1/2 and all the countless mods that came with it.
You guys at this forum are really awesome, the only modding community that is so great is propably fallout1/2 one. Also BlackIsle, not a coincidence I guess :)

Funny thing, I have 2 copies of Fallout 2, one copy of Fallout 1, 2 copies of Icewind Dale 2, 1 copy of ID 1, Lionhearth and Planescape Torment, 2 copies of BG 1 and 2 :)
I just realized that. Huh. Strange :)

Whether you help me with fixpack breaking my game exe (lol) or not, keep up the good work. :)

ps: ever thought about making TooRidiculouslyBigButStillAwesomeThoughUnlikelyPicture mod lol (TRBBSATUP for short) ? All infinity games in one? xD

Heh, can't believe that actually worked. Downloading cd 2 from some completely other, older release in different language actually passed the CD check :) That's a clumsy solution and other ppl probably wouldn't accept that solution but I'm satisfied :D
I would still be glad if anyone could find the real solution, since there are more polish players that probably could use an answer.