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Member Since 02 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 13 2010 08:53 AM

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PS:T Spell flickering and slowdowns on Win 7

02 August 2010 - 03:23 PM

Hey! I recently began playing Planescape Torment again since I had abrubtly stopped playing it because of graphical glitches. Lately I got this urge to finish it, since it's one of the few games to get me involved on an emotional level!

The problem is that whenever I cast spells, the screen flickers, slows down and sometimes outright crashes if there's very demanding stuff going on. I've looked around a lot and seen that disabling hardware acceleration seem to have helped many- however, it appears I can't change any of that because I'm on Win 7 with a Nvidia GT8800. I tried download a fix uh... "biggs" had, but it didn't help either. I've got no clue what to do and it's extremely frustrating because I can't continue as it is, even though I really, REALLY want to!

Would appreciate help greatly :)