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Member Since 01 Aug 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 02 2010 05:21 PM

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In Topic: Directory name is invalid

01 August 2010 - 02:47 PM

Google usually allows me to be self sufficient for these kind of issues, but after 'fixing' the bgtwav.bif problem I run into another missing file problem, then I was able to launch the game but the resolution was messed up, then it asked me for CD n°255.. . Figured what the hell, might as well go back to step one and go through it slowly this time. I appreciate all your help anyways! :) We'll see what happens this time  8)

In Topic: Directory name is invalid

01 August 2010 - 02:10 PM

Freaked out, uninstalled+deleted everything, starting over. >.<
Hopefully  I dont run into these probs again.
And I'm definitely unchecking Longer Road! >:(

In Topic: Directory name is invalid

01 August 2010 - 01:12 PM


So the installer finished. In order to get there I had to remove the code mentioned before from the .bat file and run it again.. and when trying to load tobexloader I get the following screen   :crying:

Posted Image

I'm quite lost by now. I wonder if uninstalling/deleteing everything and trying again would be any good or I'll encounter these problems again :blink: Any advice/help is welcome :P

In Topic: Directory name is invalid

01 August 2010 - 12:50 PM

Awesome! Left it working out the magic there, will report back later with what worked or didnt (hopefuly the first! )
Thanks again!

In Topic: Directory name is invalid

01 August 2010 - 11:53 AM

Well, depends what you did. If you didn't restore the backup, you should be able to resume.

Look at your WeiDU.log which mod was installed last.
I guess it's longerroad.

The open the the BiG World Install.bat and delete every line form

:: Every choice-key may be used only one single time.
to the mod that was installed last. Make sure you get the correct line with the last component that was installed/listed in the WeiDU.log. The component is between %SK% and the |. If it's Longerroad, its
%IFHS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%1%SK% 0 2 | %M%

Save under a new name (like New.bat) and run it.

Thanks a lot for the help man!
I'll show you what my task manager and weidu logs look like atm before I do anything though, cause I'm not sure the problem is longerroad or not. I'm super noob at this stuff  :wacko:  and a bit afraid to mess something up

I opened the big world install.bat and found the following lines but wasn't sure what should be done to them:
%IFES%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%0%SK% 0 2 | %M%
%IFGNLS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%0%SK% 0 2 | %M%
%IFHS%LongerRoad%S%LongerRoad%L%1%SK% 0 2 | %M%