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Sir Boaz

Member Since 30 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2010 02:07 AM

Topics I've Started


31 July 2010 - 02:30 AM


I am a new user and it's the first time I'm trying these (suppose to be) very cool enhancements (mods).

I'm very excited

I have a problem though-

I've launched Big World Setup.vbs and did as instructed in the installation instructions by Leomar (http://www.shsforums...project-bwp-v90)

It all went fine, the BigWorldInstall.bat automatically started, I went through all the options I was asked to put, and it worked for a couple of hours.

When I came back to check it out it was in a loop of "Invalid Directory Name". I left it there for some good several hours- but nothing happened.

I tried it three times, I even deleted the whole BG folder from c:\ and made the whole process again.

What do I do now?

Is there a program that can uninstall the megamod so I can start over clean?

I'm not really good with programming stuff, I just like BG...

Pls help


Big World Install.bat problem

31 July 2010 - 12:06 AM


I am a new user and it's the first time I'm trying these (suppose to be) very cool enhancements (mods).

I'm very excited

I have a problem though-

I've launched Big World Setup.vbs and did as instructed in the installation instructions by Leomar (http://www.shsforums...project-bwp-v90)

It all went fine, the BigWorldInstall.bat automatically started, I went through all the options I was asked to put, and it worked for a couple of hours.

When I came back to check it out it was in a loop of "Invalid Directory Name". I left it there for some good several hours- but nothing happened.

I tried it three times, I even deleted the whole BG folder from c:\ and made the whole process again.

What do I do now?

I'm using a new computer with win7.

I'm not really good with programming stuff, I just like BG...

Pls help
