There's no need for an update.
If you look at the BWS-debug-files you uploaded before, you can see that all files were downloaded expect two files which can be explained. So the download itself is working.
The extraction does not work since there are some processes running wild. Stop the BWS, open the taskmanager and kill the running Setup-XYZ.exe files. Then go to C:\BG\BGII - SoA\NSIS and move all files from there to C:\BG\BGII - SoA.
Then create some fake TP2-files for BWFixpack, BWTrimpack, BWInstallpack, WeiDU, BeregostCF, PCSoundsets. Name them Setup-XYZ.tp2 and add these two lines:BACKUP ~override~ AUTHOR
This way the BWS will accept the check for these packages. Make sure that you actually got some folder and batch-files named BiG World Installpack, Fixpack and WeiDU in your BG2-folder.
Then restart the BWS.
This should solve most of your "missing mods"-messages.
Dearest dabus
Your help came three minutes late for me, as I deleted all folders after uninstalling both games...
My Karma... lol
I've saved this thread on my browser for next weekend, when I'll try again...
In the mean time, thank you very much.