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Sir Boaz

Member Since 30 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2010 02:07 AM

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In Topic: Help-2

31 July 2010 - 06:48 AM

There's no need for an update.
If you look at the BWS-debug-files you uploaded before, you can see that all files were downloaded expect two files which can be explained. So the download itself is working.

The extraction does not work since there are some processes running wild. Stop the BWS, open the taskmanager and kill the running Setup-XYZ.exe files. Then go to C:\BG\BGII - SoA\NSIS and move all files from there to C:\BG\BGII - SoA.

Then create some fake TP2-files for BWFixpack, BWTrimpack, BWInstallpack, WeiDU, BeregostCF, PCSoundsets. Name them Setup-XYZ.tp2 and add these two lines:

BACKUP ~override~
AUTHOR ~dummy@mail.de~

This way the BWS will accept the check for these packages. Make sure that you actually got some folder and batch-files named BiG World Installpack, Fixpack and WeiDU in your BG2-folder.

Then restart the BWS.
This should solve most of your "missing mods"-messages.

Dearest dabus

Your help came three minutes late for me, as I deleted all folders after uninstalling both games...

My Karma... lol

I've saved this thread on my browser for next weekend, when I'll try again...

In the mean time, thank you very much.

In Topic: Help-2

31 July 2010 - 06:01 AM

[quote name='Jarno Mikkola' date='31 July 2010 - 04:23 PM' timestamp='1280582583' post='493376']
Aborting the installation.[/quote] Well, then you just have to download them yourself from [url="http://www.shsforums...howcat=72"]here[/url]...
Or if that doesn't work, wait until the BWS is updated to the next minor version... as the patching and tagging may take a bit of update time.

Well, no luck. I'll wait for a while.

Thanks a lot guys.

In Topic: Help-2

31 July 2010 - 04:55 AM

Yes, because the BWS wishes to know what you'll wish to do next, so when the BWS window is active, just push Y and then push the "Send entered text" button that above the Continue button.


I did... That's what happened:

The extraction of the following mod(s) failed:
BiG World Installpack v9.2: The Mod itself (BiG World Installpack v9.2.7z) ¹
BiG World Fixpack (Beta) v9.2: The Mod itself (BiG World Fixpack v9.2.2.7z) ¹
BiG World Trimpack v9.1.1: The Mod itself (BiG_World_Trimpack_v9.1.1.7z) ¹
WeiDU (Tool) v218: The Mod itself (WeiDU-Windows-218.zip) ¹
Beregost Crash Fixer (Utility) v1.8b: The Mod itself (BeregostCrashFixer19.zip) ¹
Xan's Friendship Path for BG1 (XanBG1Friend) v6: The Mod itself (XanBG1Friend_v6.zip)
Dungeon Crawl (DC) v5: The Mod itself (DungeonCrawl_v5.zip)
Assassinations v8: The Mod itself (Assassinations_v8.zip)
Volcanic Armoury v1.0: The Mod itself (VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar)
Realm of the Bhaalspawn Armor Set (RotB Armor Set) v1.0: The Mod itself (RotB_Armor_Set_v1.0.zip)
Xan NPC v9: The Mod itself (Xan_v9.zip)
Ghareth One-Day NPC v0.91: The Mod itself (GharethNPC.zip)
Wikaede One-Day NPC v3.4: The Mod itself (wikaede_v34.rar)
Solestia NPC v1.2: The Mod itself (absolestia.zip)
de' Arnise Romance v3: The Mod itself (deArniseV3.zip)
Kari the Half-Kobold NPC (Beta) v1.3: The Mod itself (Kariv1-3b.rar)
Unfinished Business (UB for BG2) v19: The Mod itself (UnfinishedBusiness-v19.zip)
Kelsey NPC (SoA) v2.1: The Mod itself (KelseyNPCv21.zip)
Kelsey NPC (ToB) v2.2: The Mod itself (KelseyTOBV22.zip)
Getting Rid of Anomen (GRoA) v2: The Mod itself (GRoA_v2.zip)
Keto NPC (SoA) v3: The Mod itself (Keto-SOAv3.zip)
Nathaniel NPC (SoA/ToB) v4.2: The Mod itself (Nathaniel_v4_2.zip)
Luxley Family (SoA) v1.1: The Mod itself (LuxleySoA_v1_1.zip)
NPC Flirt Packs v1.02: The Mod itself (NPCFlirtV102.zip)
Paladins of Faerun Kitpack v5: The Mod itself (PoF_Kitpack_V5.rar)
B!Tweaks v4: The Mod itself (b!tweak_lite-v4.exe)
PC Soundsets v2: The Mod itself (shs_soundsets_v2_full.zip)
¹ Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod.

Please fetch the files that are marked as essential first.
Aborting the installation.

In Topic: Big World Install.bat problem

31 July 2010 - 04:12 AM

Btw if you are new to this stuff the probability that you'll made a mistake during another installation is high so I suggest you to make backups. You can look here for some tips

Next time...

I've re-open my topic here: http://www.shsforums..._gopid__493367

Thanks any ways

In Topic: Help-2

31 July 2010 - 04:11 AM

Again, I'm sorry for the hassle:

I did the restore thing and it came to this:

The extraction of the following mod(s) failed:
BiG World Installpack v9.2: The Mod itself (BiG World Installpack v9.2.7z) ¹
BiG World Fixpack (Beta) v9.2: The Mod itself (BiG World Fixpack v9.2.2.7z) ¹
BiG World Trimpack v9.1.1: The Mod itself (BiG_World_Trimpack_v9.1.1.7z) ¹
WeiDU (Tool) v218: The Mod itself (WeiDU-Windows-218.zip) ¹
Beregost Crash Fixer (Utility) v1.8b: The Mod itself (BeregostCrashFixer19.zip) ¹
Xan's Friendship Path for BG1 (XanBG1Friend) v6: The Mod itself (XanBG1Friend_v6.zip)
Dungeon Crawl (DC) v5: The Mod itself (DungeonCrawl_v5.zip)
Assassinations v8: The Mod itself (Assassinations_v8.zip)
RPG Dungeon Item Pack (RItemPack) v2: The Mod itself (RItemPackV2.exe)
Volcanic Armoury v1.0: The Mod itself (VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar)
Realm of the Bhaalspawn Armor Set (RotB Armor Set) v1.0: The Mod itself (RotB_Armor_Set_v1.0.zip)
Kitanya NPC (SoA) v6.2.2: The Mod itself (KitanyaSoAv6-22.exe)
Xan NPC v9: The Mod itself (Xan_v9.zip)
Alternate Xan Soundset for BG1 (XanBG2Voice) v2: The Mod itself (XanBG2Voice_v2.exe)
Tiax NPC v1: The Mod itself (Tiax_v1.exe)
Allison One-Day NPC v1.8: The Mod itself (AllisonV18.exe)
Ghareth One-Day NPC v0.91: The Mod itself (GharethNPC.zip)
Wikaede One-Day NPC v3.4: The Mod itself (wikaede_v34.rar)
Solestia NPC v1.2: The Mod itself (absolestia.zip)
Jerry Zinger Show (JZ) v3: The Mod itself (JZ-v3.exe)
de' Arnise Romance v3: The Mod itself (deArniseV3.zip)
Kari the Half-Kobold NPC (Beta) v1.3: The Mod itself (Kariv1-3b.rar)
Unfinished Business (UB for BG2) v19: The Mod itself (UnfinishedBusiness-v19.zip)
Ding0's Quest Pack v2.3: The Mod itself (D0QuestPack_v23.exe)
Solaufein Flirt Pack (RPGSola) v4.0: The Mod itself (SolaufeinFlirtPackV1.exe)
Kelsey NPC (SoA) v2.1: The Mod itself (KelseyNPCv21.zip)
Kelsey NPC (ToB) v2.2: The Mod itself (KelseyTOBV22.zip)
Getting Rid of Anomen (GRoA) v2: The Mod itself (GRoA_v2.zip)
Keto NPC (SoA) v3: The Mod itself (Keto-SOAv3.zip)
Nathaniel NPC (SoA/ToB) v4.2: The Mod itself (Nathaniel_v4_2.zip)
Luxley Family (SoA) v1.1: The Mod itself (LuxleySoA_v1_1.zip)
Yikari NPC v1.7: The Mod itself (Yikari-v1.7.exe)
NPC Flirt Packs v1.02: The Mod itself (NPCFlirtV102.zip)
Romantic Encounters (RE) v4: The Mod itself (RE_v4.exe)
Paladins of Faerun Kitpack v5: The Mod itself (PoF_Kitpack_V5.rar)
Ding0's Tweak Pack v20: The Mod itself (D0Tweak_v20.exe)
B!Tweaks v4: The Mod itself (b!tweak_lite-v4.exe)
PC Soundsets v2: The Mod itself (shs_soundsets_v2_full.zip)
¹ Cannot proceed installation without this essential mod.

Some files were not extracted.
Do you want to open the files in your default-packager to try it yourself?
(Look at the notes in the help-text on the right side.)
Enter [y]es or [n]o.

It won't let me extract them myself. The problem as you can see is that the first five mods are crucial, and I suppose to have them (they worked in the first install)

Should I delete everything and start over?