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Member Since 24 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 24 2010 09:41 PM

Topics I've Started

God Mode Armor

24 July 2010 - 09:42 PM

all right i call this "True Glass Armor but you can put it on all things!

Get the abillity to create magic armor add over 100% even 101% of chameleon on your items.. now your a god among mortals.

Mike Laster

Two things in one

24 July 2010 - 09:35 PM

Alright now as soon as you can Create your own magic items, via arcane university

purchase a disintegrate armor spell you can use, then get a ring / necklace
and add disintegrate armor on it. this will do 5 points of damage to your armors if they are normal you and equip and unequipped the accessory and it will keep damaging all your stuff use repair hammers and watch the stat grow...

second it doesn't hurt armor after you wear it for 1 sec but the strange fiery red smoke stays on you and it leaves an huge trail of red smoke fire flies behind you where ever you go.

it would be nice if you all would name it "Rusting Ring of Fire Flies"
or Charm

Mike Laster giving you this sweet tip... working on a flaming body no damage and a smoking shiny body, and a spark covered one too.