Member Since 23 Jul 2010Offline Last Active Oct 13 2010 09:54 PM
Midterms. . . . Getting married soon!
Updated 13 Oct · 0 comments
About Me
I graduated from high school in 2005, and then did volunteer service in California for two years, where I also learned to speak spanish (fluently). I worked in apartment building maintenance for a couple years. Now I am finally going to college.
I am taking a three year course "Computer Engineering Technology - Computer Science." I definately have a lot to learn, but more importantly I enjoy the learning, and catch on quickly. I plan to finish continue on to university for two years and become a Computer Engineer.
I am taking a three year course "Computer Engineering Technology - Computer Science." I definately have a lot to learn, but more importantly I enjoy the learning, and catch on quickly. I plan to finish continue on to university for two years and become a Computer Engineer.
Community Stats
- Group Member
- Active Posts 5
- Profile Views 2428
- Age 38 years old
- Birthday July 24, 1986
Ontario, Canada
Computer systems. Soccer. Learning languages.
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