If you take some time to learn using an editor like Near Infinity it's super easy.
Install NI, open it, use the option to search for "stringref" and in "Find What:" put 'Fighter / Mage' it will find the string for it (should be 10189), select "edit" and write 'Eldritch Knit' or whatever you wish instead of the old name, then save.
Repeat for 'Fighter / Thief' and all the others...
Else I could write a mini-mod that gets installed via Weidu, it's quite easy, but I really don't have the time right now sorry.
DUDE I love you! It worked! I had the same idea and tried to change the kitnames, but it never worked! Now I know why:
I have the german version of Baldurs Gate 2. Nevertheless, the kitnames which are shown on the buttons are stored in english in the *.tlk file, for example <mageshool> or <fighterclass>. So if you want to change the kitname mage / thief you have to look for <mageshool> / thief instead of Magier / Dieb.
BIG LOVE to all you people who are still modding this wonderful game!
Yea, I`m gonna make an evil Mage / Thief kit called Schattenklinge which is able to use an shadowstep-like ability, has the same THACO as a fighter and can cast spells without waiting time! Thieves rule!
Or maybe I`m goona mod the Assassin-kit to make it more... deadly and assassin like... Assassins should be feared and not be a good laugh, shouldn`t they!
Heya, it`s me!