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Member Since 17 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2012 11:26 AM

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Crashing on rest HELP!!!! (logs)

21 July 2012 - 12:17 PM

Well it seems if I have anyone in my party the game crashes, whether outside or at an inn. My party consists of 2 custom characters, (an archer and Fighter) and Dyneheir, minsc and Imoen. The main Character is a magehunter.

I have tried to rest only having my main and one of each of the aforementioned NPC's, still crashes.

If I am alone, no problem.

There isn't much in the Baldur.err other than this:

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

In the baldur.text we have this:

---------------------Start Logging Session---------------------

CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 442, 1166 ) #:5570645 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 408, 1098 ) #:5636182 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 307, 1318 ) #:5701719 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 367, 1222 ) #:5767256 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 544, 1076 ) #:5832793 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 226, 1366 ) #:5898330 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 450 ) #:5570645 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 522 ) #:5636182 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 474 ) #:5701719 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 546 ) #:5767256 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 414 ) #:5832793 R:14
CVisibilityMap::AddCharacter : ( 40, 570 ) #:5898330 R:14

And the near infinity has this for corrupted files.

File corruption search
Number of errors: 60
File: CB3661.WED Offset: 1f60h Error message: 4 unused bytes between Y(1f60h) and X(1f66h)
File: CB3661.WED Offset: 1fd2h Error message: X(1fd2h) overlaps X(1fd2h) by 2 bytes
File: CB3661.WED Offset: 1fd4h Error message: Y(1fd4h) overlaps Y(1fd4h) by 2 bytes
File: CB3664.WED Offset: 20b6h Error message: 4 unused bytes between Y(20b6h) and X(20bch)
File: CB3664.WED Offset: 20ech Error message: X(20ech) overlaps X(20ech) by 2 bytes
File: CB3664.WED Offset: 20eeh Error message: Y(20eeh) overlaps Y(20eeh) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 47eh Error message: 12 unused bytes between Unknown(47eh) and Spell(48ch)
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 50eh Error message: 24 unused bytes between Unknown(50eh) and Item(528h)
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 558h Error message: Spell(558h) overlaps Unknown(558h) by 8 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 560h Error message: Memorization(560h) overlaps Flags(560h) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 560h Error message: Flags(560h) overlaps Unknown(562h) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 564h Error message: Spell(564h) overlaps Item(564h) by 8 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 56ch Error message: Memorization(56ch) overlaps Unknown(56ch) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 56eh Error message: Unknown(56eh) overlaps Quantity/Charges 1(56eh) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 570h Error message: Spell(570h) overlaps Quantity/Charges 2(570h) by 8 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 578h Error message: Memorization(578h) overlaps Item(578h) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 578h Error message: Item(578h) overlaps Unknown(57ah) by 6 bytes
File: CBBNLCH1.CRE Offset: 57ah Error message: 4 unused bytes between Unknown(57ah) and Unknown(580h)
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 47eh Error message: 12 unused bytes between Unknown(47eh) and Spell(48ch)
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 50eh Error message: 24 unused bytes between Unknown(50eh) and Item(528h)
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 558h Error message: Spell(558h) overlaps Unknown(558h) by 8 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 560h Error message: Memorization(560h) overlaps Flags(560h) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 560h Error message: Flags(560h) overlaps Unknown(562h) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 564h Error message: Spell(564h) overlaps Item(564h) by 8 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 56ch Error message: Memorization(56ch) overlaps Unknown(56ch) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 56eh Error message: Unknown(56eh) overlaps Quantity/Charges 1(56eh) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 570h Error message: Spell(570h) overlaps Quantity/Charges 2(570h) by 8 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 578h Error message: Memorization(578h) overlaps Item(578h) by 2 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 578h Error message: Item(578h) overlaps Unknown(57ah) by 6 bytes
File: CBBNLCH2.CRE Offset: 57ah Error message: 4 unused bytes between Unknown(57ah) and Unknown(580h)
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 5f2h Error message: 48 unused bytes between Unknown(5f2h) and Signature(624h)
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 684h Error message: Spell(684h) overlaps Unknown(684h) by 8 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 68ch Error message: Memorization(68ch) overlaps Resource 2(68ch) by 2 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 68ch Error message: Resource 2(68ch) overlaps Unknown(68eh) by 6 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 690h Error message: Spell(690h) overlaps Resource 3(694h) by 4 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 694h Error message: Resource 3(694h) overlaps Memorization(698h) by 4 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 69ch Error message: Spell(69ch) overlaps Caster location: X(69ch) by 8 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 6a4h Error message: Memorization(6a4h) overlaps Target location: X(6a4h) by 2 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 6a4h Error message: Target location: X(6a4h) overlaps Unknown(6a6h) by 2 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 6a8h Error message: Spell(6a8h) overlaps Target location: Y(6a8h) by 8 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 6b0h Error message: Memorization(6b0h) overlaps Parent resource(6b0h) by 2 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 6b0h Error message: Parent resource(6b0h) overlaps Unknown(6b2h) by 6 bytes
File: CBDRWHM3.CRE Offset: 6b2h Error message: 4 unused bytes between Unknown(6b2h) and Resource flags(6b8h)
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 420h Error message: Spell(420h) overlaps Spell(420h) by 8 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 428h Error message: Memorization(428h) overlaps Memorization(428h) by 2 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 42ah Error message: Unknown(42ah) overlaps Unknown(42ah) by 2 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 42ch Error message: Spell(42ch) overlaps Spell(42ch) by 8 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 42ch Error message: Spell(42ch) overlaps Spell(42ch) by 8 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 434h Error message: Memorization(434h) overlaps Memorization(434h) by 2 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 434h Error message: Memorization(434h) overlaps Memorization(434h) by 2 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 436h Error message: Unknown(436h) overlaps Unknown(436h) by 2 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 436h Error message: Unknown(436h) overlaps Unknown(436h) by 2 bytes
File: KOBSHA02.CRE Offset: 436h Error message: 36 unused bytes between Unknown(436h) and Item(45ch)
File: KOBWIT02.CRE Offset: 4b0h Error message: Spell(4b0h) overlaps Spell(4b0h) by 8 bytes
File: KOBWIT02.CRE Offset: 4b8h Error message: Memorization(4b8h) overlaps Memorization(4b8h) by 2 bytes
File: KOBWIT02.CRE Offset: 4bah Error message: Unknown(4bah) overlaps Unknown(4bah) by 2 bytes
File: KOBWIT02.CRE Offset: 4c6h Error message: 12 unused bytes between Unknown(4c6h) and Item(4d4h)
File: POTSELCA.STO Offset: 78h Error message: Unknown(78h) overlaps Item(98h) by 4 bytes
File: POTSELCA.STO Offset: 2fch Error message: 4 unused bytes between Infinite supply?(2fch) and Store purchases(304h)
File: YS1001N.WED Offset: e408h Error message: 12 unused bytes between Tilemap index 5(e408h) and Polygon index(e416h)

Any help would be great I've spent hour trying to figure out what is causing the crash, it doesnt seem to be items or NPC's :S!

Need help with Big World Project (logs included)

15 July 2012 - 09:02 AM

It seems as though the big world install.bat is having trouble getting past this point in the install.

Next the zeroed offsets in all cre files will be replaced.

[WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 22900
[WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"

Installing [creature offset checker] [v1]
BiG World Fixpack\_utils\find: .\MOds\NMR\5\+ª+-+ª: No such file or directory
BiG World Fixpack\_utils\find: .\MOds\PPK\Language\Korean\ª╗+-+e.txt: No such fi
le or directory
BiG World Fixpack\_utils\find: .\MOds\Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Russian\arcanecoast.
ru - ???????? ??? ??? ????? BG, IWD, PST.url: No such file or directory
BiG World Fixpack\_utils\find: .\NMR\5\+ª+-+ª: No such file or directory
BiG World Fixpack\_utils\find: .\PPK\Language\Korean\ª╗+-+e.txt: No such file or
BiG World Fixpack\_utils\find: .\Turambar_fixes_tweaks\Russian\arcanecoast.ru -
???????? ??? ??? ????? BG, IWD, PST.url: No such file or directory
Copying and patching 1 file ...

It's been patching one file for over an hour this time,  prior attempts also yielded the same results.