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Member Since 03 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 12 2010 03:50 PM

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In Topic: BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

05 July 2010 - 04:54 AM

Reinstalling with the default includes as marked noted, saved the errors and log files:

I also confirmed that there is no backslash after the bgII - soa in user.ini or bg1

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>
cd /D "C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA"

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>
Error during changing into directory C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA.
Exiting due to major problems.

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>"C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Tools\7z.exe" e "C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\IA_PST_paletted.rar" -aoa -o"C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\infinityanimations\content"

7-Zip 4.65 Copyright © 1999-2009 Igor Pavlov 2009-02-03

Processing archive: C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Downloads\IA_PST_paletted.rar

//skipping some info to save spam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapg1.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapg2.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\æapinv.bam
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf09.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf07.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf02.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf01a.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf01b.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf03.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Female+\t-tcf04.wav
Extracting Curst Townie Male+
Extracting Dustman Female+
Extracting Dustman Male+
Extracting Ghoul Female+
Extracting Ghoul Male+
Extracting Githzerai+
Extracting Godsman+
Extracting Large Thug+
Extracting Lower Class Townie Female+
Extracting Lower Class Townie Male+
Extracting Merchant+
Extracting Midwife+
Extracting Prostitute+
Extracting Skeleton Priest+
Extracting Skeleton Worker+
Extracting Thokola+
Extracting Thug+
Extracting Tiefling Female+
Extracting Tiefling Male+
Extracting Townie Wizard+
Extracting Upper Class Townie Female+
Extracting Upper Class Townie Male+
Extracting Zombie Female+
Extracting Zombie Male+
Extracting Aasimar Female+
Extracting Bariaur Male+
Extracting Curst Townie Female+

Everything is Ok

Folders: 27
Files: 257
Size: 29827961
Compressed: 29246378

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>cd /D "C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA"

C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA>Error during changing into directory C:\Users\Public\Games\Black Isle\BGII - SoA.
Exiting due to major problems.

Let me know if you need more info.


In Topic: BiG World Setup Beta-Testing

04 July 2010 - 08:07 PM

I started clean download and install with the newest beta bws_9-20100704 using a standard installation.

I excluded Solestia NPC mod and Nikita NPC mod in the big world setup checklist.
I was able to download all the other mods automatically without external links except for:

Volcanic Armoury v1.0 - 'VolcanicArmouryV1.0.rar'
Killing Wolf NPC (KWolf) v1.1 - 'KWolfNPC_v1.1_.7z'
Throne of Bhaal Hacks v0.5.1 - 'ToBHacks_v0.5.1.zip'
Tales of Anegh (ToA) v2.0 - 'Tales_of_Anegh-2.0.rar'
Grimuars v3.3 - 'Grimuar-v3.3.7z'
Au service d'Oghma v1.6 - 'ThOghma_v1.6.zip'
Wikaede One-Day NPC v3.4 - wikaede_v34.rar

The volcanic armoury 1.0 link is completely dead, as the host has pulled it and updated and replaced it.

The mod.ini for Volcanic Armoury should probably be updated to:
//The host is the link from the official website with filesize updated accordingly.

Name=Volcanic Armoury v1.1
GE-Ext=Dies ist eine Sammlung von Gegenständen, die verschiedenen vorhandenen Läden hinzugefügt werden.
EN-EXT=This is a collection of items, that are added to different available stores.
SP-Ext=Esto es una colección de objetos, que son añadidos en diferentes tiendas disponibles.

That being said, the links for volcanic armoury, grimuars, and wikaede npc are hosted on mediafire. This hosting site does not allow direct links to files as would be usable automatically in the big world installer in order to profit from ads. With permission from the authors, I think it would be a good idea to post at an alternate mirror that supports direct downloads. All three of those should be able to fit easily on the SHS server.

The other mods that I had trouble with were are hit or miss when using the auto installer. I've downloaded each of them fine without having to go to the website, but each one of them has showed up on that manual list several times as well. Since the files are hosted in Europe, I'm certain they are just timing out and would work with a retry. Again, with permission from authors, It would be a good idea to mirror those all European mods on North America side. This might help overall install time as well. I know the ToB Hacks mod is pretty hefty.
Perhaps at the beginning of the Big World installer you could select your location and the installer would choose appropriate download locations based on distance.

I also have a suggestion for the manual file download process. In a situation like volcanic armoury that has been updated and rehosted. While I love the idea of being able to select the compressed file location, you might want to offer an option to select the file location after attempting to go to the website for the mirror so the installer doesn't get confused when finding/ignoring a different filename/size.

During file extraction I received an error message similar to this:
C:\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup>cd /D "C:\BGII - SoA\"

C:\BGII - SoA>
Error during changing into directory C:\BGII - SoA\.
Exiting due to major problems.

I tried installing the 09_install .rar but that failed
The 12_process replacement seemed to work for me linked here:

I had a crash in the middle of the the big world installation a little later with an error pointing to the 09_install file, but I closed it on accident. I'm retrying now with an updated mod.ini and the same download folder I just used. Will post results later.

I am running 7-64 bit with AV disabled and UAC off. Let me know if you need any more info.


In Topic: BWP 9.2

04 July 2010 - 09:32 AM

It is nice that you want to make those files available for a direct download.

I went ahead and deleted this post (I meant to post it in the main 9.2 beta testing thread anyway). Thanks for the heads up on the permissions, I'll be sure to ask next time. I do plan on posting something similar in the future. I can't wait to try out that new build.


In Topic: BWP 9.2

03 July 2010 - 05:35 PM

deleting post, moving, altering to correct forum thread w/permissions.
