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Member Since 01 Jul 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2012 02:43 AM

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In Topic: PC dies after sleep

14 January 2012 - 07:25 AM

I don't know if this is bug or not..........

The party rests in Lion's way (the area where Gorion got ambushed). When the sleep is done, PC dies right away. The dialogue shows he says something before he dies, but cannot be read because the system cannot show it correctly (probably in another language). I tested this in the next area "Coast Way" as well and it has the same problem. But if the time does not pass 3 days, the PC will not die after sleep anywhere. If it does pass 3 days, PC will die after sleep. I have not tested whether the pc will die after 3 days if the party does not sleep.

Does anyone know this is a bug or a plot with some mod?? Thanks!!

When posting issues like this-- especially if it relates to a megamod --you need to provide your game's weidu.log.

If you've already posted this file in another thread, then just post the link to that post.
If not, then attached the file here. You should be able to edit your original post above, then attach the file.

Thanks for the tip.....weidu.log has been attached in the original post.

In Topic: candlekeep crash bug

12 January 2012 - 07:03 PM

Please extract this attachment to your BGII folder and run chase_debugger.bat :) Then zip/rar/7z the "change-log" folder and attach it in a following post :cheers:

On a related note, did you run BiG World Cleanup.bat?

EDIT: Stupidity abounds! Forgot attachment :doh:

Here you go.....what is this for?

No I did not run big world cleanup.bat, should I have?

In Topic: candlekeep crash bug

12 January 2012 - 06:49 AM

If someone could changelog this CHASE.CRE, it would help lots in narrowing down the culprit :) (Chase is methinks that guy who wants to suicide or something in the area right outside Candlekeep yeah? :P)

If someone does changelog it, make sure to include the CHASE.XXXX.CRE files that WeiDU spits out too ;)

EDIT: Changelog instructions are in Jarno's FAQ linked by mr fantastic btw :P

Thanks for you guys' input here, especially mr. fantastic's one. The problem is fixed for now. I searched in bgII-SoA folder and there are a bunch of file contained "CHASE". I copied the CHASE.CRE from BPv180/BACKUP/0 and put in the override folder of bg2. Then another crash happened, because we missed another file BINOK.CRE. So I copied BINOK.CRE from the same folder to override. Now the crash is gone. But when I headed to next area called "coast way". Same problem happened, since I was missing ELMIN1.CRE and ANDOUT.CRE. So we copy them to the Override and problem was resolved. So my guess is the BWP installation somehow did not copy these files in BP mod to the override folder. When the game is loading the map, it cannot find the NPCs in that area. And this causes the crash. The possible solution is manually copy all the files with .CRE extension under BPv180/BACKUP/0 to the Override folder of BGII-SoA. Moreover, there are 21 subfolders under BPv180/BACKUP named in numbers from 0 to 21. Some of them contain files with .CRE, so I guess we may as well just copy all of them to override to solve this problem in the future. This is just my guess since I have not tested all the areas yet. I will update this post as I proceed the game.

It seems many people has been experiencing these problems ..can you zip, big world debug??

This thing is almost 26mb big!! I cannot even open it on my computer, it slows down everything. Here is the rar file.

In Topic: candlekeep crash bug

12 January 2012 - 03:47 AM

If someone could changelog this CHASE.CRE, it would help lots in narrowing down the culprit :) (Chase is methinks that guy who wants to suicide or something in the area right outside Candlekeep yeah? :P)

If someone does changelog it, make sure to include the CHASE.XXXX.CRE files that WeiDU spits out too ;)

EDIT: Changelog instructions are in Jarno's FAQ linked by mr fantastic btw :P

Thanks for you guys' input here, especially mr. fantastic's one. The problem is fixed for now. I searched in bgII-SoA folder and there are a bunch of file contained "CHASE". I copied the CHASE.CRE from BPv180/BACKUP/0 and put in the override folder of bg2. Then another crash happened, because we missed another file BINOK.CRE. So I copied BINOK.CRE from the same folder to override. Now the crash is gone. But when I headed to next area called "coast way". Same problem happened, since I was missing ELMIN1.CRE and ANDOUT.CRE. So we copy them to the Override and problem was resolved. So my guess is the BWP installation somehow did not copy these files in BP mod to the override folder. When the game is loading the map, it cannot find the NPCs in that area. And this causes the crash. The possible solution is manually copy all the files with .CRE extension under BPv180/BACKUP/0 to the Override folder of BGII-SoA. Moreover, there are 21 subfolders under BPv180/BACKUP named in numbers from 0 to 21. Some of them contain files with .CRE, so I guess we may as well just copy all of them to override to solve this problem in the future. This is just my guess since I have not tested all the areas yet. I will update this post as I proceed the game.

In Topic: candlekeep crash bug

11 January 2012 - 07:54 PM

For some reason CHASE file did not install . You have to copy it to your override folder (search option).

Also you could put more info when you get a crash.

Bug reporting

Thanks much for your tip. But when I searched in BG2 folder, there are a bunch of chase files with different extensions. What kind of file do I need to copy to override folder? And also which override folder do I copy it to? BG1 or BG2? Thanks again!!