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Member Since 13 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 15 2010 08:28 PM

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In Topic: Getting BG2 1,000,000 XP windfall at start of BG1

14 June 2010 - 01:30 AM

Everything seems mostly fine except a weird thing happened.
Basically, I'm playing BG1 and as soon as Imoen turned up the party ended up with 1,000,000 XP for no reason. I met the two "evil" guys on the road and they also got the XP.

Erhm, if you start the game in ToB first, then export the character back to a BG1 start in the BGT, then the 1 000 000 XP is gained by the other NPCs... that's because the NPCs should be near where the PC starts... this also happens in in BG1 game where if you have the highest level character and you'll export it to a new game, Imoen starts as a 6th level character with 20639 XP BY DEFAULT.

The thing is that I didn't start a game in ToB first and export back to BG1. When I started BG1 I made the character from scratch. That's why this is so confusing. :huh: My character started as a level 1 mage and magically gained the XP when I got my first NPC.

The XP is just gained in a BWS game, because you have installed a component that enhances the action(so there's only one character that can be summoned etc). That component is this:
~LEVEL1NPCS/LEVEL1NPCS.TP2~ #0 #3 // Joinable NPCs more closely match the player character's experience?: v1.3eib2

Do you know how I go around removing a component? I used the setup installer thing I linked to and it just seemed to work it's magic, none of it was really manual so I don't know how to undo anything it's done. :(

In Topic: Getting BG2 1,000,000 XP windfall at start of BG1

14 June 2010 - 12:17 AM

I tried running that, selecting BGMain.exe from it gave the following error messages-

"Error: Value 89000 not found."
"Run-time error 13: Type mismatch"


I don't know why my own character had the BG2 XP, I created the character from scratch when starting a new BG1 game. And I was level 1 in Candlekeep but only got the 1 mill experience once I hooked up with Imoen. :huh: