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Member Since 03 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 05 2010 12:50 PM

Topics I've Started

characters not reviving

19 June 2010 - 09:17 PM

So, I'm playing through the Baldurs gate Trilogy for the first time, and something very strange has just occurred. Two of my NPCs died in a fight against someone named Silke near the very beginning in that strangely name city with a B in its name above Nashkel... And, I can't revive them, well I can but when I do. They are completely unresponsive and wont talk to me or just like lay on the floor. How the heck do I fix this?

By use of Infinity explorer, the status of these two characters reads as being: "sleeping, berserk, panic, stunned, helpless, exploding death, flame death, acid death, dead, silenced feebleminded and confused"

I've read when other people have the same problem I am experiencing they either reset the character or just turn these status off. I have no idea how this really works, so how exatcly does one go about accomplishing this?

thanks in advanced