I was able to find a temporary test subject... in order to check and see if either I was doing something wrong, or my computer was the screwy one. And the BWP setup completed without fail on the second windows XP based system.
So now, I'm trying to figure out what exactly could be making my computer incompatible with the Big World Project setup.exe...
In regards AndrewB's outline of the instillation proces:
>You download, unpack, and run the Big World Setup utility.
>It auto-updates itself, requiring that it be restarted for updates to take effect.
>You close it. It subsequently pops back up, having been updated and is now ready to go.
>You go through the entire Big World Setup process, following the instructions as you go along.
>Big World Setup concludes.
>You will now have a file in your BG2 folder called "Big World Install.bat". This is the actual file that you will need to run to start the hours long install process.
>Run the file.
>Black DOS console type box pops up and prompts you for some preliminary information.
>Afterwards, some white text will start scrolling like mad as shit gets installed.
(this is where my computer cuts everything short. i think this is shown in my debug text, but being a complete noob, I am not sure how to interpret the Debug txt, so I will post it)
BigWorld Debug.txt
º Welcome to Leonardo's BiG World Mod-Installation v9.1.5 º º Willkommen bei Leonardos BiG World Mod-Installation v9.1.5 º º Bienvenido a BiG World Mod-Installation v9.1.5 de Leonardo. º º Welcome to Leonardo's BiG World Mod-Installation v9.1.5 º º Willkommen bei Leonardos BiG World Mod-Installation v9.1.5 º º Bienvenido a BiG World Mod-Installation v9.1.5 de Leonardo. º You have done the following settings: Game: entire BWP with BG1 and BG2 Version: Standard without Tactic Mod Deselection: no mods deselected AI Selection: test BP plus SCS Rule System: Standard Rule System Language: english only Widescreen-Mod: not selected Test: passed C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\ACBre_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\bg2tweaks_without_Saerileth_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\bg2tweaks_with_Saerileth_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\BP-BGT-Worldmap_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\c#ajantis_sva_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\level1npcs_without_Druid_Remix_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\level1npcs_with_Druid_Remix_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\randomiser_input.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\StuffofTheMagi_input_S.txt C:\Program Files (x86)\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Big World Smoothpack\_modify\StuffofTheMagi_input_T.txt 10 file(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. 1 dir(s) moved. .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\setup-res_fixer.tp2 .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_cre_eff_v2.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_cre_reindex.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_cre_validity.tpp .\BiG World Fixpack\_resfixer_v1\res_fixer\lib\fj_spl_itm_reindex.tpp 5 File(s) copied .\BiG World Fixpack\_AuroraPatch\setup-aurpatch.tp2 1 File(s) copied .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\ACTION.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\ACTSLEEP.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\Animate.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\ANISND.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\AreaType.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\damages.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\Gender.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\GTIMES.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\happy.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\INSTANT.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\moraleai.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\MusicList.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\nodecode.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\OBJECT.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\Projectl.IDS .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\race.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\shoutids.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\slots.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\soundoff.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\Spell.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\state.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\stats.ids .\BiG World Fixpack\_ids\TRIGGER.IDS 23 file(s) copied. Lol's BiG World Trimpack v9.1.1 -------------------------------processing fixes for "BGT" patching file `BGT\Install\EndSetup.bat' patching file `Setup-BGT.tp2' processing fixes for "BiG World Fixpack" patching file `BiG World Fixpack\DarkHorizons\_copy\BGT\install.bat' Leonardo's BiG World Fixpack v9.1.4 ----------------------------------- processing fixes for "bg2fixpack" patching file `bg2fixpack\baf\ar0334.baf' patching file `bg2fixpack\setup-bg2fixpack.tp2' [WeiDU.exe] WeiDU version 21800 [WeiDU.exe] Using scripting style "BG2" Installing [creature offset checker] Copying and patching 1 file ... SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED creature offset checker Leonardo's BiG World Smoothpack v9.1 ------------------------------------processing fixes for "BGT" patching file `Setup-BGT.tp2' Hunk #1 succeeded at 23 with fuzz 2.
I'm not sure what to make of all of this. Has anyone ever incurred a problem like this before. Again, any comments would be appreciated.