Is anyone else having this problem besides me?I click on the download link to get the flie (CA v.052),the file starts to download but at about 10% to 15% complete it stops.I get a message saying that IE can't complete the download because the connection with server was reset.I've tried numerous times to try and download this file always the same results.
File Name: BG-2 male pics File Submitter: Borimur File Submitted: 28 May 2010 File Category:
Here are some male pics for BGII game.A few dwarves,a drow,a half orc,humans and elves.Can be used as pallys,monks,druids,mages,rogues,rangers etc.None of these images are original to me.All have been downloaded from various art and game websites,cropped and resized to 110x170,38x60 bmp.To use simply unzip and place the pics into BGII portraits folder.Some may have to be renamed.
These are some of the pics i use in BGII game.None of these images are original to me by any means.They are all pics i have downloaded from various game and art websites, cropped and resized.They are 110x170,38x60 bmp female images.Mostly human,elves and half elves.To use in your game simply unzip the folder and drag the ones you want to use over into the BGII portraits folder.Some may have to be renamed.Enjoy.