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Member Since 27 May 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2010 12:41 PM

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In Topic: Can't use CTRL+C to move chapter, it just goes to Nalia

20 July 2010 - 10:25 PM

I have BG2, TOB, patches, BG2 Fixpack, The Darkest Day, Wiemer's Tactics, ... the game would also stall when trying to go into either North Forest or Small Teeth Pass areas, but not Forest of Tethyr.

The Tactics overwrites a lot of things... it would need to be installed before the Fixpack to have somewhat better and more stable game... (that is if you are using the non-BWP'es Fixpacks patched version).
What comes to the chapter change try this in the console:
Why you had this problem, because you installed the TDD without having the Worldmap mod already extracted in the install folder. Probably...
What comes to the Ctrl + C cheat, you do know you have to activate the cheat keys, right ?

Thanks for your reply I will try that setglobal code. There are two things that trouble me though. One is, I had the worldmap extracted
before I installed TDD. Another thing is: if I install it in the order you said, would my savegames still be valid and viable? I have already had to restart once, but another time would be harsh. Thanks for helping me out.

In Topic: No area icons on the big map

28 May 2010 - 04:51 PM

The Worldmap mod(SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP) needs to be installed after the BGT and TDD. :doh:

If you wish to have better knowledge on the install order, I would suggest that you would read the BWP .pdf's, and try the BWS...

PS Another thing, it won't let me install the world map after the darkest day,  i first have to install the world map otherwise TDD says it's missing a component.

REQUIRE_FILE ~BP-BGT_Worldmap/Revised/TBL/new_map_mods_links_TDD.tbl~ ~Please EXTRACT ONLY the BP-BGT Worldmap mod into BGII - SoA folder for TDD to commence; more in TDD/README~

You understood that wrong... what it actually requires is the file needs to be extracted into the game folder, but it needs to be installed after the TDD, so the changes made by this mods installation are taken into the final files...

Thank you very much.  It worked.  I had to start over though with totally new characters.  On my character export files, the dragon slayer changed to a Lord, and my merchant to a delver...all of them changed, and my save games were corrupted.  Oh well.  Anyways thanks for the info.  I'm going to be playing the whole trilogy through, so that should keep me busy.