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Member Since 19 May 2010
Offline Last Active May 20 2010 08:26 PM

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In Topic: IE games and NVidia Series 8 video cards

19 May 2010 - 04:55 PM

Now I followed a previous posters advice and re-deleted everything in the entire directory with the exception of the save files, thinking that maybe some old settings from the initial installation were interfering with the reinstallation of the game. Sadly, that did nothing.

In which directory?
See, as you installed the mod into the game, it alters the game files, and so if you then use a patch meant to be used in the original game, it all gets cheesed up.
What you should then do is uninstall the game, delete everything but the 'save' directory inside the game directory and then reinstall everything, the BG1, the BG - TotSC addon, the v(1.3)5512 patch and then the Nvidia fix & Widescreen mod... because that's what it was in the first place. Yey.

Thank you for the response Jarno. I did things in exactly that order. WSM is still not functioning properly and now she's having issues with sound clips and getting varied assertion line errors....I'm just totally puzzled that all of this didn't happen the first time we tried out this mod and now, with nothing in our computers altered (OS, hardware, etc.) we're getting this huge list of issues heh.

Could it by any chance have something to do with her old save files on TotSC?

In Topic: IE games and NVidia Series 8 video cards

19 May 2010 - 06:50 AM

Hello everyone. I installed the WSM on my wife's computer some time ago originally and I can remember it going off completely without a hitch and being very satisfied with it. However when trying to get her back in to the game last night I accidentally had her install both the BG1 patch as well as the TotSC patch which of course necessitated the removal and reinstallation of BG1. After reinstalling I noticed that the WSM mod was no longer working properly.

The green outline around the selected characters portrait would flicker at the very bottom for one. Also when I tried to tell the mod to function in, say, 1024 x 768 I would get the game shown to me in a tiny window on the upper left corner of the screen.

Now I followed a previous posters advice and re-deleted everything in the entire directory with the exception of the save files, thinking that maybe some old settings from the initial installation were interfering with the reinstallation of the game. Sadly, that did nothing.

Now then, as for what I've tried: The nvidia fix solves the black box issue for me in game but that's about it. I've honestly reread the readme on the WSM multiple times in an attempt to divine just what the heck I'm doing wrong this time around. I'm opening the WSM from the Baldur's Gate directory thinking it should - quite simply - just change the resolution to 1024 x 768 without too much of a hassle (like the first time!) but sadly I spent almost three hours on this last night and am at my wits end.

My wife is running windows XP home, has the TofSC patch, the Nvidia fix installed, and does not use any other mods such as Easy Tutu, etc. The only thing I maybe haven't tried is installing tutu but I never had to before to get this working. Please someone help spell this out for me before I go crazy? Means a lot to me that she finally plays through this masterpiece. :)

Thank you.