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Member Since 03 May 2010
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[BUG] big world project - bg1

04 May 2010 - 12:49 AM


I have a problem with my big-world-project-installation and I need help to fix it. I play the bg1-part and the game crashes, or better: it freezes, while I run around or fight in several places all over the maps around baldur's gate after some time. I could not determine, which action exactly causes the crashes. Hopefully, I decided to ask for your council in this annoying matter. (Please excuse my inadequate english skills. I'm used to read more than speak or write in your language.)

Here are the information, contained in the "weidu.log", you might need in order to help me:

Furthermore, I think it's obviously usual, when I post the content of my "baldur.err":

The only thing, I see from that, is, that it is, in fact, always the same reason, which grounds the crashes. I'm looking forward for your reply.