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Member Since 01 May 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 29 2010 10:50 PM

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In Topic: Topic for translators

24 July 2010 - 05:38 AM

I'm sorry to announce that but I've decided to give up translation because few days ago I needed to format my computer without any hope of data recuperation. I'm a litlle frustrated and I haven't the courage to restart the translation from the begining. I prefer to choose another translation which will be funnier for me. Sorry again...

In Topic: Topic for translators

19 May 2010 - 08:56 AM

Finally, traify is done (unless I hope... :rolleyes: ). I check all files and I've extracted string of the tp2 file into a tra. Translation should be available soon, I've just a little problem wtih the meaning of this string :

- loses some XP upon every Rest

What exactly happened when the character sleep ? He loses XP each time he try to rest ?

In Topic: New Release

12 May 2010 - 04:37 PM

Did you try the install in french, BohemianReader? It doesn't work, even in english... I guess it's because you have two subfolders "Mortis", although the .tp2 refers to only one.
And you have also some parsing errors in the english and french .tra files: let's use DialogChecker to correct its.

Oh ? Ok sorry I will correct that immediately... :blush: I should have to test a last time before to send the mod on shs servor. Thanks to warn me about that I'll try your litlle software (if it help me to avoid some new mistakes... :unsure: )

EDIT : Ok, it's done. Now I' going to sleep ! Good night... ^^

In Topic: Revised Bhaalpowers [IMPLEMENTED]

12 May 2010 - 03:57 PM

Yes that's impressive. I think this idea is very good. That's true, Bhaalpowers are really to low when you confront them to powers of other bhaalspawn. Moreover, I've always found frustrating that CHARNAME was so weak (in the sens that he can't be ressurect) and offer new powers to him which are more powerful with the passing of time is very judicious. At least I think...  :blush:  

I don't found spell too powerful. I've found them rather useful and adpated to the level of CHARNAME. So all is perfect !  :P

Good luck, I'm impatient to see more.

P.S : Bams of spell are really nice. I love them...  ^_^

In Topic: Topic for translators

12 May 2010 - 01:41 AM

Ok thank you. But if you would'nt reach to traify this mod, I could do it myself (I've already done for mortis mod). I just need a list of all files which contain text ref. ^_^