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Member Since 30 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 30 2010 01:14 AM

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BG music problem

30 April 2010 - 01:21 AM

Greetins, all

Has anyone experience this problem with Baldur's Gate:

The music almost never plays. Try this at the start of the game: go into the door to CandleKeep Inn. Can you hear the bar music? Go in and out of the door several times and see if the music plays every time you enter.

This has been driving me insane. I tried on multiple PCs with difference patches / sound acceleration settings / directx versions ...

Only time the music plays is when starting combat, or when I force it by Alt+tab, or 'Q' (quicksave). Even when I get the bar music to start like this, it doesn't loop!

Please help me on this. I can't find anything on the 'net regarding this issue. After some troubleshooting I could only get this problem to stop when the game runs really slow (either by forcing software BLTs, or using slowdown utilities like Moslo or Turbo ... etc.) and choppy. So I presume that ALL fast modern PCs should be seeing this problem (PIII processors and above)

