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Member Since 27 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active May 05 2010 05:01 AM

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Problems with mod - please help

27 April 2010 - 08:25 PM

Just dug out my copy of PST to play again and thought I'd check out any mod/fixpacks that were available. Followed this installation guide http://thunderpeel20...ly-modded.html. All mods installed without errors. I am running Win7 and I am using D3D Windower.

The game runs fine, but I've noticed three problems:

The interparty banters are not firing. I have been playing for hours with Dakon and Morte, and no banters.

Ratbone does not give me the quest to find some rat tails. I can talk to him about various topics but he never gives me a quest. Is there a specific conversation path I have to follow? Before you ask, yes this is the the new Ratbone character standing in the ally, the mod appears to be installed correctly.

Also, I can't seem to get the rule-of-three item from the zombie early in the game. You get it from the one walking in a triangle right? The option to retreive it does not appear.

All the other UB content I have encountered works ok. Any ideas would be much appreciated, thanks.