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Member Since 20 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active May 06 2010 06:43 AM

Topics I've Started

Imoen Voice Selection Change

29 April 2010 - 02:18 AM


I have installed the BiG world Project with a lot of mods, everything seems to be fine, apart from Imoen's voice has just suddenly changed. I have looked over the forums but cant find anything.

When I select her or tell her to go somewhere she responds with a different voice but it is still her's. If you know what I mean eg. She should say "Watcha what" but instead says "Now I know why travelling with you was so much fun" and "This way" she says "This place is just to darn creepy...."
Its not that big a deal, but just a bit annoying and if theres a way fix it im willing to try!
Thanks for any help anyone can give me!

BG1 NPC Project

21 April 2010 - 01:22 PM

Hi everyone

I have finished installing the BiG World Project, I was testing it and everything seems fine, except for my party members. They do not interact with the environment or non pc's.

I have played tutu before and noticed that Imoen speaks to people quite a lot, and Minsc and Edwin have a conflict with each other. But this did not happen? I have checked the Weidu log and I have it installed. Is it just tutu that has this? Or has it not installed proberly?
Thank you for any help you have!

VBScript with BiG World Setup

20 April 2010 - 08:01 AM

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to install the BiG World Project but it comes upwith an error of - cant find script engine "VBScript"...
I read this - "Either run regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings to set the value of the key enabled to 1 or just go into the path you extracted the BWS to and drag the BiG World Setup.au3 onto the AutoIt3.exe". and tried it put it didnt work.
I have tried it on my laptop (which dosnt have much Gig to install) and it worked. I compared the laptops HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE settings with my PC and they where the same?
I dont understand what is wrong?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
(I have also posted a picture of the problem)