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Member Since 16 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active May 03 2012 12:05 PM

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Assertion failed: Ch 6 Candlekeep CTD

17 April 2012 - 03:23 PM

Hey everyone,

I recently started a fresh install of a BGT game, and have run into a game breaking error upon my return to Candlekeep in chapter 6. The error occurs right after my party's conversation with Ulraunt while being detained in the barracks. The journal updates, but crashes before Tethtoril arrives.

The error log displays this: Assertion Failed! File: ChVidImage. cppLine: 1921
Exp: FalseMsg: .BAM is corrupted (GetFrame () failed) Run Debugger?

From what I can tell, my problem is similar to the one experienced in this thread: http://www.shsforums...idimage3-error/
However, the issue was never resolved. I'm hoping that there is someway around this, and if not, if there is a way to avoid it on my next clean install.

I think it's noteworthy to mention that I installed all of these mods manually, since my Windows 7 OS refused to allow the BIG world install work properly. I followed the pdf instructions for the install almost to the letter, but it's possible that I made a critical mistake at some point.

My weidu log:

I'd appreciate any help that you guys can offer!