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Member Since 14 Apr 2010
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In Topic: CtB v1.12, matter?

14 April 2010 - 10:15 AM

Thank you for your help, I will look after ToB, now ^_^

In Topic: CtB v1.12, matter?

14 April 2010 - 09:53 AM

Big Picture usually goes well with the megamods that are for ToB.  You may be able to install some aspects of BP but the Ascension and Demogorgon components will need ToB.  Some of the NPC mods are only for SoA like Fade but I don't know any of the current mega mods versions that are for SoA only.  

Maybe it is time to get ToB so you can play more mods ;)

I'll try BP with SoA only, I'll tell you if it works or not... :D   Edit: It does not work

That's right, and I will finaly know what's the end of the story of Bhaal's children. Unfortunately, it's not very easy to find ToB :(

In Topic: CtB v1.12, matter?

14 April 2010 - 09:37 AM

I wont be able to  tell you... I did not have ToB :crying:  The site where I found the mod was not telling that it needed it... :doh:

Thanks for your answer

Now, I must find an other mod to improve BG2-SoA. Do you have an idea of what I could install? Is The Big Picture available for only SoA? :rolleyes: