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Member Since 09 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active May 22 2004 11:36 AM

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WeiDU 136 Problems

16 September 2003 - 08:24 AM

Alright, I'll state first off that I'm using 98se, which I'm guessing is why I'm having problems.  I had to wipe my hard drive, so after installing BG2, TOB, the patch and Baldurdash, I downloaded the mods I like to use and tried to install them.  I extracted the lot of them to my BG2 folder and attempted to update everything to the most recent WeiDU before actually installing anything.  Kelsey TOB 2.1 came with 13.6, so I tried to run that first to update everything.  It's getting stalled, however, and won't do a thing.  Double-clicking Setup-KelseyTOB results in the following:

[C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SOA\Setup-KelseyTOB.exe]
WeiDU version 136
(Setup-Hell.exe) Queried (pid = 76)[WeiDU-Backup] WeiDU version 133
[./chitin.key] 182 BIFFs, 41793 resources
[./dialog.tlk] 74107 string entries

It just completely stops here and does nothing further.  I have to close out the DOS window manually.  Going to try getting around it by using an earlier WeiDU version, but I just thought I'd mention this as a heads-up.  

And yes, I know I need to update my OS in general, but if I use anything more recent than 98se (and don't mention ME; I ignore its existence :P), I can't run games without them seeming to run through a sludge of molasses.  Must get new motherboard.  Blah.  Someday.

Important: WeiDU 134

04 September 2003 - 06:59 AM

I don't know if this is just something I've experienced, or if it's happened to anyone else, but after a fresh reinstall of SOA, TOB, the patch and Baldurdash, when I install my 'necessary' mods (Kelsey, Ease, Solau, Valen, Tactics, Item Upgrades, DBG, Flirt Packs) if I install something that's using version 13.3 of WeiDu and then try to install something with an older version, I get parsing errors on loading the setup file, though the mod proceeds to install just fine.  However, when I checked my weidu.log file, only the most recently installed mod was listed, not any of those that I had installed prior to the mod using weidu 13.3.  Okay, that sounds even more vague than I intended.  To put it a little more succinctly, I had Kelsey SOA installed, then popped in the new Kelsey TOB, which comes with WeiDU 13.3.  After that, I tried installing the flirt packs, which use an older WeiDu version.  The only thing that showed up on my weidu.log file was the flirts, though Kelsey SOA and TOB were also installed.  Trying to run setup-kelsey to uninstall gave me the options as if the mod wasn't installed at all (install, skip, quit; no uninstall).  This occurred with any instance of installing a non-13.3 mod on top of a 13.3; I was able to get around it by just installing them all after updating weidu on each to 13.3.

Not sure if this is an actual reproducable thing or if it's just me..Wouldn't be too surprised if it's just my incredible inexpertise, but I thought I'd mention it here in case it had happened to someone else.
