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Member Since 05 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 20 2015 08:42 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BiG World Setup (an attempt to update the program)

12 February 2015 - 03:50 AM

I also have Comodo and had problems with BWS, but you can solve them, disable auto-sandbox while you install

In Topic: Dark Horizons, DSotSC and NTotSC *unpowered* and revised

02 June 2014 - 07:47 AM

Solaufein has shown that he isn't enthusiastic about me touching his files, so I'll remove the links. All this will be (hopefully soon) made via weidu, patching files in a similar way to what BP-Balancer does to handle these things, to avoid complaints of any sort.

In Topic: Dark Horizons, DSotSC and NTotSC *unpowered* and revised

29 May 2014 - 02:45 AM

Valid points... but maybe this should be done in the DH's CoM forums, or in the PM section in there, and he could also have his say on what's been done, also it wouldn't hurt him to add in an alternative component, say "SCS compilation of the Dark Horizon challenges". Meaning that it's build for SCS to tweak and compile the actual files.

Like said, I can help you to code the stuff... I just have to know each change and go from there.


Thanks for the help proposal, since I don't know anything about weidu stuff. You told me that patching is better than overwriting and it's ok, but it's also a lot more work, because especially DH items need also to be fixed at various levels. I still think that an overwrite just after DH/DSotSC/NTotSC, before other mods can change them, is the simplest solution and I don't understand what could go wrong, then the item description could be patched over the new file. But I don't have a clear picture of what weidu does so I'll send you a list of all the changes in all items (it will take some time, I'll have to check each item, the original descriptions often aren't truthful, there's a lot of 'undocumented' stuff). Creatures should be easier to patch so it shouldn't be a problem.


About Solaufein, I'll send him a PM in his place, if he doesn't answer here anymore.

In Topic: Dark Horizons, DSotSC and NTotSC *unpowered* and revised

28 May 2014 - 01:31 PM

Anyway I didn't want to make anybody angry, especially Solaufein since the mod (DH) is his own, so I'm still waiting for his permission. I hope he'll understand that this is to please a certain (big I think) share of players who would like to play the mod without the original game becoming too easy, there would be surely more players that will play the mod (that I like, otherwise I wouldn't have started this). If I didn't inform him it was because:


1. there are other mods that do similar things

2. I didn't want to ask and maybe have a refusal since I did a lot of stuff already, so he could decide when the thing was done. If he's jealous of his mod I understand, but he should think about all the people that avoided it (for several reasons) until now and now could play it. This doesn't concern only DH, also other mods anyway.


Also he should understand that in a megamod installation, where you gain a lot of experience, if there isn't a way to reduce XP and power of the items, not only the original storyline becomes easy, but the mods too. With godly equipment and lots of XP, DH 'challenges' aren't challenging anymore. Only if you tone down mods and the XP they give you can have some challenge left.

That's all.

In Topic: Dark Horizons, DSotSC and NTotSC *unpowered* and revised

28 May 2014 - 02:03 AM

I wrote some more infos about the changes I made. I Solaufein gives me the permission, I'll keep working on it and try to make a weidu patch, otherwise I'll remove the files. Thanks