Why Imoen's sexuality is such a big of an issue ? after all it's a relationship mod and not a romance mod, so why a relationship, no matter how deep and profound, HAS TO orbit around sex ?
The reason to humans having sex without limiting it to mating season is because humans are the only species, as far as I know, on this dirt ball that actually derive pleasure from the act, sex isn't a prerequisite for a relationship, as far as I know.
Imoen can equally love a male or female (n)pc and have a deep relationship with him/her which doesn't include a bed.
Whichever of the three choices Quitch decides to go with will make somebody unhappy, my suggestion is taking the neutral path (which of course can make everyone unhappy but at least that way they'll be all equally unhappy).
Member Since 13 Jul 2002Offline Last Active Jul 10 2003 05:37 AM