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Operation Currywurst

Member Since 26 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 28 2010 08:33 AM

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In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

27 March 2010 - 01:17 PM

After severell other challanges, which I surprisingly managed to solve, I started downloading the mods. Lets see when the next problem arises :)

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

27 March 2010 - 03:08 AM

Haha, ok then. But will only post partly in german not to disturbe any possible forum rules too much.

Was für mods würdest du denn so empfehlen? Die Auswahl ist ja wirklich gigantisch.. Ich denke mal, community buxfixes sind wohl die nützlichsten, oder?
Als ich gestern zum ersten Mal seit x-Jahren Bg1 gestartet habe, war ich bestimmt ne halbe Stunde am Lachen. Das Sächsisch von "Mann3" ist ja echt der Hammer,kann man die Stimme auch irgendwie in BG2 verwenden?

Op. Curry

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

27 March 2010 - 02:42 AM

Thank you Dabus, I will try it out this eveing (hoping that my games are in german wont make a difference).
Now, back to that essay waiting tobe finished...

Op. Curry

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

27 March 2010 - 02:06 AM

Thanks a lot for the quick help guys. And yes I did take a look at the Kerzenburg site but it seemed to me that this forum is more active, so I tried it here first.
Until this evening i wont be able to ty out the advices given but it seems like all my problems except the missing BG1 data files are solved.
Would anyone be willing to send me those files (data\Area000B.bif (and also C,D,E,F and G))? I have no idea how big they are and how much hassle it would be, but that would indeed be pretty awesome.

Thanks again,
Op. Curry.

In Topic: BiG World Project (BWP) v8.3

26 March 2010 - 03:58 PM

Hi guys,
first post in these forums for me, so hi all.
After years after having finished bg2/tob and after never really having finished bg1 I decided to play them again.
I bought a cheap collection box containing icewind dale 1+2 and all bg games. BG1 + Addon are on one dual layer dvd, BG2 and ToB are on another one.The whole box is in german.
Since giving bg1 the bg2 enige sounds awesome, and the community content mods surely are worth it as well my aim is to install the "BWP Recommended" Version.

I installed BG+Addon, patched it as needed, started a game and saved. Then I installed BG2, started and saved, then installed ToB, patched it as needed, started and saved ( I did use the right patches in the international versions).

I use Vista and didnt install the games in the "programm file" (the one that big world setup says wont work under vista).

The BG folder is in the Black Isle folder, so is BG2.

I have "Big world setup" installed in my BG2 folder.

I have done the windows account thing ( dont know how to call it in english) which "the big world" asked me to do.

I checked the three games in "the big world":

-BG1+Addon is NOT alright
-BG2 is NOT alright
-ToB IS alright

Whats wrong with BG1+Addon: It tells me my installation isnt complete (i tried to reinstall, didnt help); I apperently miss the folders:
                              data\Area000B.bif (and also C,D,E,F and G)

Whats wrong with BG2: Apperently the name of the folder/the path is wrong: I am asked to rename it into "BGll - SvA". I tried to do so, but it still gives me this message. Do you know which characters I need to type for the "2" and for the "-"? I am also asked to change the "baldur.ini" in my BG2 folder into the right path with a text editor under "[ALIAS]" - I cannot find the .ini
Last but not least it tells me that the BG2 path is missing the "CD5\Movies\25movies.bif" file. However, if i look into this folder, I can see this file.

If anyone can read german, this is the error message for BG2:
"Das angegebene "Baldur's Gate II" Verzeichnis ist nicht korrekt. Es ist wichtig, dass dieser Ordner richtig benannt ist. Bitte schließt das "BiG World Setup", nennt das Verzeichnis in "BGII - SvA" um und legt es im gleichen Ordner wie "Baldur's Gate" ab.
Öffnet die baldur.ini im BG2 Ordner mit einem Texteditor und passt unter [ALIAS] das korrekte BG2 Verzeichnis an.
Startet das BWS wieder und wählt den "BGII - SvA" Ordner erneut aus.
Das angegebene "Baldur's Gate II" Verzeichnis enthält keine komplette Installation. Zumindest fehlt die Datei CD5\Movies\25movies.bif.
Kopiert diese von Eurer CD/DVD, falls Ihr eine Vollinstallation gemacht habt.
Falls nicht, müsst Ihr eventuell BG2 neu installieren."

The only possible source of the problem that I know is that my dvds arent working properly. I bought them over amazon.de for about 5? and quite a few comments said that their versions werent working (poor quality of the box/the dual layer dvds). However, I can both start and play the games on their own.

I really do hope someone is able to help me, my urge to play the saga again as risen incredibly after having player DaO and after reading the old manuels ;)

Thanks for any possible help,
Operation Currywurst