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Member Since 25 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2014 06:49 PM

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In Topic: BWP 8.3. Can't leave BG1 to start BGII

28 March 2010 - 04:29 PM

It Works! Thank You Thank You Thank You

In Topic: BWP 8.3. Can't leave BG1 to start BGII

27 March 2010 - 03:10 PM

Found similar problems in BGT-WeiDU due to missing BCS files AR0602.BCS and AMNSCENE.BCS,
With the screen blank, ALT-TAB out and then dropping AR0602.BCS into the override folder then ALT-TAB Back into the Blank screen brought me to Mae'Var doing the kiss-off, which then dissolved into Chateau Irenicus opener.
My guess is that I need AMNSCENE.BCS. All I can find is AMNSCENE.BAF and being a newbie at this I don't know what tool I need to compile a .BAF to a .BCS.
Guidance or Pointing to the proper FAQ, even telling me I'm an Idiot, would be helpful. Tried to install BGT on another machine to filch the file AMNSCENE.BCS seeing as how during installs BAF's are converted to BCS's, but no joy.

Help Please

Thank You Once Again
