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Member Since 25 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Aug 11 2013 06:38 PM

Topics I've Started

Slowness with a modern PC

10 August 2013 - 02:27 PM

Why is my BG2 ToB running so slow on my system? Usually during cutscenes (for example Gorions death scene battle) do I experience these lags. As well as when you exit Irenicus' Dungeon and the Cowled Wizards are trying to restrain Irenicus but he's owning them all.  Tremendous slowdown there. Just to be clear I am running one a few mods in the following order:






Crossmod Banters

Kelsey mod (Both for SoA and ToB)



My system is an Intel Duo Core 3.33GHz  5GB Geforce 570 GT. I am running Windows XP SP3, I have set the game options sliders in the BGConfig to Max on General, graphics, and sound.


Any other info you guys need I will gladly provide.



Asking for a file that doesn't exist with my BG1 cds

05 August 2013 - 06:13 PM

I am currently trying to get Big World to run but I am running into a problem with my BG1 install. It is telling me that I am missing a file "moviecd5.bif" in my BG1 directory and to copy them from my BG1 cds. However when I put in my BG1 discs it is only showing CD3, CD4, and CD6. No CD5! I checked all the CD folders and went into the movies folder of each and just as I thought, it skipped CD5! I am using the Baldur's Gate: The original saga with Tales of the sword coast.


Any advice where this missing file is??

Strange text in Class kit

05 August 2013 - 04:03 PM

This showed up when I installed BGT without any other mods. I'm at a loss here..

Mass uninstall?

04 August 2013 - 11:31 AM

Is there a way to completely uninstall all the weidu mod files in one fell swoop?  I'm currently having slowdown issues with BGT specifically BG1 at the moment and would love to uninstall all the mods I have to troubleshoot. 

