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Member Since 17 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2010 07:06 PM

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In Topic: What's your party?

17 March 2010 - 09:06 PM

Starting to play the game again (IWD) with plans for HoF mode so:

Tellerian'Set - Female Human Paladin
Maerith - Female Human Ranger Neutral Good
Xerxes - Male Human Fighter Neutral Good-> Rogue after level 5
Descartes - Female Elven Neutral Druid/Fighter
Sand - Male Elven Mage/Fighter Chaotic Good
Styx - Male Half-Elven Cleric/Mage Neutral Good

I don't have a completely interesting background for the group yet, since I haven't played them enough to get totally attached, but I'm certain that I will once we hit the Vale :). I have the mod that tweaks the ability to disable traps with armor and cast arcane with penalties, and allows the wearing of armor by Druid/Fighters (which is more true to PnP). I've never played it this way before, but since I am changing the rules a bit, I am playing on Insane the first go around even before hitting HoF. We'll see how well this group survives!