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Member Since 13 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2010 07:41 AM

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In Topic: [GRAPHICS] IE Creature Recoloring/Editing

05 October 2010 - 07:23 PM

Is testing the new palette as simple as putting the new meae_sh.bmp in the override folder and summoning the monster?

The bam resizer idea is a good suggestion, only for another idea that I had, so thanks for that bit of knowledge. I'm familiar with working on sprite frames so I will continue to play around with the colors/edits that I want to see. It might not be worth it but I'll at least test the waters.

In Topic: [GRAPHICS] IE Creature Recoloring/Editing

04 October 2010 - 08:07 PM

I attached a screenshot of what I did so far, just to double check what I'm doing is correct. Are there any pitfalls that I should be aware of in editing the palette colors(other than using the same palette for all frames)? For example, some sprite work that I've done in the past required black and transparent values at the beginning of the palette. I would like to add a couple of blue values to this golem for detail if possible so I wanted to know if there is a 'safe' range for custom colors within the palette. If so I may just do an extensive revamp of the sprite to include the detail I envision.

In Topic: [GRAPHICS] IE Creature Recoloring/Editing

04 October 2010 - 06:49 PM

You mean that initially the palette change would affect shambling mounds, making it easy to test, but once it's implemented into Infinity animations, it would be unique?

Also, correct my logic here : If I extract the bams associated with this creature, measg11.bam and measg2.bam, and make the changes I want in BAMWorkshop, can they then be made into unique animations in Infinity animations?

If thats the case, then I've already begun editing the bam. I converted it to greyscale and I'm removing some of the rough spikes on the back of the elemental.

Thanks Miloch.

In Topic: [GRAPHICS] IE Creature Recoloring/Editing

03 October 2010 - 01:02 PM


Yes, I mean the small one, main reason being that it's the same size as human characters and should then fit through all of the entryways in the game. I'm looking to make the golem unique, so modifying the bitmap you spoke of wouldn't affect the other elementals, would it?

In Topic: [GRAPHICS] IE Creature Recoloring/Editing

02 October 2010 - 08:30 AM

Ideally, I'd just like a Baldur's Gate 2 minor earth elemental, with the Iron Golem (or adamantite golem) palette. So essentially a very rough looking, small metal golem. While the Infinity animations are impressive, none of the creatures really fits with what I have already envisioned. I hope that doesn't sound terribly selfish or offend the creators of the mod. I'm still in the n00b stages but I'm trying to make an NPC golem that you can/must continually upgrade throughout the game with golem-only items, sort of an expansion on the NWN Maker's Isle golem idea.

Thanks for helping Miloch.