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Vail of the Winds

Member Since 08 Mar 2010
Offline Last Active Apr 19 2010 07:15 PM

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In Topic: TDD towns don't appear on World Map

18 April 2010 - 12:47 PM

[quote name='Hoppy' date='17 April 2010 - 06:54 PM' timestamp='1271559264' post='485141']
[quote name='Vail of the Winds' date='17 April 2010 - 05:10 PM' timestamp='1271549437' post='485133']

For Ajoc's Minimod, Tower of Deception and Calimport from TDD the new areas don't have a worldmap position so it still appears like you are in the same area like the Gates district or wherever you "lifted off from".  Same types of things happen when you CLUAConsole to an area instead of using the Worldmap.

Thanks again, hoppy,

       Can I install the Tales of the Deep Gardens now, and the character Mod
Sarah, after I've installed the World Map?


I have some questions about the inf-editor and changing some dilolog in the Chloe Mod. Sure I go to the inf and Chloe forums for these, or can you help me here?

In Topic: TDD towns don't appear on World Map

17 April 2010 - 04:10 PM

Assuming you started a new game, would you be so kind as to zip your SETUP-BP-BGT-WORLDMAP.DEBUG file and post it here please?

Hello, and thanks; This is Vail
After I started the new game my world maps works, all areas are in the right place and town quests show up, everything seams to be working so far. Here's the funny thing, nothing shows up in my BGT-Bp-World Map debug (See my debug below}
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\Setup-BP-BGT-Worldmap.exe
          This is all there is, but the world map works,
Are ll my weidu installs right?

Also when Vail excorts Loron to his town. Or when the party is taken to the TOD by the Mage Tian--they reach their destinations, but the destinations don't appear on the map, and the party icon shows the group are still in the city gates. This this a bug-or how it is supost to be?

Please advist

In Topic: SOS

13 April 2010 - 06:54 PM

Hello, this is Vail again: I hope this is the right place for this Forum
First, Thanks so much for all your help. Now that my flight Nurse duties all winding down I have got back to gaming.
I did the new install and have the Big World Map.(This I installed Last)I converted my saved games as per Wiedu instructions.
Now, I have a new problem, I omitted SOS from the install, and just went the TDD. Now when ever I talk to; or get the the correct maps, I get a message that says:
"your World map has been updated": But when Vail and her friends go to jump, their is no target. Only Sharptooth Pass, Watchers Keep (ie) Umber hills,ect"if talked to". All show up as reachable in blue, but they are in the Sea of swords or in the water regions. Should they be there,or is something not right?
Start a New Game:
Start the TDD quest in chapter six
Vail started hers after talking to Galen,(to sort of raise the money)
In short I can't get any of the TDD areas to show up on my map;
My Charture Vail is 13th Level{GOOD) Banshee KIT selfmade, of neurtal
Any help would be greatful

In Topic: SOS

11 March 2010 - 08:51 PM

Which of these sould I use?

It doesn't matter...

I also have ...

My advice is to put everything BG2 mod(the .rar archives etc.) related into a folder called BiG World Downloads, uninstall the whole game, clean up the install directory and then install the game into "C:\BWS\BGII - SoA", then put the "BiG World Downloads" directory to the BWS directory, and then run "Big World setup.exe" in the desktop which extacts the BiG World Setup.vbs into the "C:\BWS\BGII - SoA"... You really should read the answers 1-5 from here, before you do a thing.

  Thanks again, One more thing though Here are my downloads it have (Check to see if I need anything else;

SOA & TOB patch encluded with cd's
Moinesse's Avatars
planersphere-return & mod26b
teleport spell
   Should I use the big picture install I download from (Dragronshoard) I read that it could cause touble.
What else Do I need

Cheers, Vail

In Topic: SOS

10 March 2010 - 09:20 PM

Thanks' so much, your a honey, Boy I really messed that up didn't I.
   Should I uninstall the old patch, I downloaded it with the SOS, or should I have just gone with the SOS download, I did the same with TDD but didn't install the fix.
    Now I have just download the BWS exe. and also the BWS setup v.8.3.1.-(Which of these sould I use?)- Plus I have the big picture download. I also have the Darkest Day & SOS downloads on my computer. Do I need the world map download and the bgfix from G3, or are all I need is in the big picture and the Big World setup?
    Will I have to redue my install, or can I fix this with what I have all ready? When I activate the BWS setup will it use the zip or raw files of SOS TDD & BP on my computor or connet me to the right sits for download.
Pardon the dizzy Blonde here. :doh: