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Member Since 26 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 01 2010 03:03 PM

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Death on Load

26 February 2010 - 11:45 AM

My party is currently coming out of the Sphere in the Slums.  I had just finished the Sphere quest and brought Lavok out to see the sky before he dies and it autosaved.  I also did a quick-save, because that's simply what I do most of the time.  I entered the Sphere again to talk to the Knights of Solomon and I talked to the leader of the three.  Upon concluding that conversation, I wanted to talk to the other two Knights, but they started walking away.  So, I reloaded from the autosave so that I could talk to the other two Knights first.  Unfortunately, for some reason, when I reloaded the game it showed the grayed out version of the screen that comes about when your main character dies.  It then brought me to the Load or Quit screen.  I thought that was odd, so I reloaded from the Quick Save.  The same thing happened.  Now, I'm wondering why.  

I had no obvious ailments or status effects on.  Everyone in my party was low on health, around 10-20 health left from each, but no one was poisoned or dying.  This happened earlier in the Sphere when I reloaded from a quick save immediately after fighting the halfings in the furnace area.  Fortunately, my main game save was only a few moments before that point in time.  But now, my main game save was made 40-45 minutes ago or so and I was rather pleased with how everything worked out and it would be irritating to have to do it all over again.

Any advice or solutions would be welcome.

Thank you.