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Member Since 19 Feb 2010
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BGT 1.08 and Czech language

20 February 2010 - 04:39 AM

Hello everyone.

I come from Czech Republic, that's the middle of the Europe. We have our own language here, Czech.

Until two days ago, I only knew BGTutu and EasyTutu and I was using old classic BGTutu for one reason - when I install it, it only transfers new/edited/fixed things into English, and others stays in Czech, meaning I still have most of my game in Czech, which is the goal I want to achieve. (I don't mind few English texts here and there). On the other hand, EasyTutu, transfers all my Czech into English, there is no single Czech word left after installation.

I can speak and understand English a bit, as you can see (I hope you can understand this:)), but to fully enjoy BG experience, I still prefer Czech.

So now my question: Does BGT works more like BGTutu or EasyTutu? I definitively like BGT so far (from what I read and hear around), but this is still important factor for me, and I couldn't find informations regarding this.

In case it would make my game complete English like EasyTutu does, maybe there is some workaround to have BGT use my Czech Dialog.tlk (or other files containing texts - Im not much into IE engine).

Why am I asking instead of trying it first, you may say. Well, two reasons:
- on my current internet connection, it would take about 1h30mins to download 13MB BGT. Not a joke, Im using 32kbps EDGE.
- I currently have BGTutu installed, so before I uninstall it and re-install both clean install, I wanted to be sure

Thank you for your help!

EDIT: Anyone planning or already working on translation of BGT to Czech? -> Někdo kdo plánuje nebo už pracuje na překladu BGT do Češtiny?