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Member Since 11 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active May 30 2010 11:31 AM

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In Topic: Bug Report for 0.51

25 April 2010 - 07:33 AM

who will take you to the ship... and then you see the ship and gain some weapons. :whistling:

Do I need Althon to enter Selgaunt City?

No, it will be there after you come back...

Thanks Jarno, I can continue. Once more it shows, I wasn't patient/thorough enough...


In Topic: Bug Report for 0.51

25 April 2010 - 05:24 AM

You leave the gnoll area the same way you came in. The dirt road should show the icon for moving to another area when you get to the dark area around the hamlet. That will allow you to continue to the fortress.

Thanks, checked afterwards -yes, it is just hard to find. Scanning comments in other threads, it seems I'm not the only one who hat first missed it. Does make me feel not quite so stupid.

Different topic now: Currently I'm stuck on Selgaunt Bridge. The guardpost at the gate sent me to the watchhouse to speak to the captain about passes, but the captain wouldn't talk to me. Did talk to Elminster, Elminster informed me about my parent's fate. Afterwards went to Myth Drannor. Returning from Myth Drannor Pel'ja is still on the bridge, if I talk to her she tells about Rihn's problem (same dialogue previous to Myth Drannor), but rightly so no teleport to Llewtharin happens. Talked to Jak -can't remember if that was possible previous to Myth Drannor. He pointed me to the inn, but no-one was there.(searching other bug-threads, there should be someone new there?) Captain in the guardhouse still "has nothing to say".

Party currently:
PC (archer), Shadow, Rihn, Aesdale, Vildamyr, Narcissa. I arrived with this party in Selgaunt bridge from Saltmarsh, via Mistmoor(caravan), in Saltmarsh I had last done the Crypts, before that Mistmoor, The Gauntlet. I had Althon cheated out of the Myth-Drannor party, completed it with this group(don't like Althon).

Do I need Althon to enter Selgaunt City?


PS. When I included Rhin, she didn't have the Bardic Ring of Wizardry that is mentioned in her character description on CA-homepage. Will she gain that later on? I tried to cheat it in via shadowkeeper, but it doesn't work(no spelldoubling) -did you maybe leave it out because it isn't fully programmed yet, or is this a bug?

PPS. I liked Myth Drannor a lot. Tough monsters. Too bad I didn't have Aleigha, when I try a new game, she will definitely be with me then.

In Topic: Weapon Upgrade Questions

18 April 2010 - 02:28 PM

The forge found in the basement of the Villa cannot be used at this point. Icar and Rurik will talk about something being wrong. That is as far as that dialog and forge goes.

Icar can upgrade some items in Piney Bluff. If he is with you at this point, you will not get a chance to fight him later in the slavers. There are several upgrades that will not be possible until you return from the slavers. You pick up the components during those mods.

Rurik can upgrade some items at his place in Saltmarsh.

There is a new forge on the map TC1560. However, currently the map does not show it. There is a future quest to pickup a missing anvil for Icar so he can work here.

Thank you for these clarifications.


In Topic: Weapon Upgrade Questions

18 April 2010 - 06:28 AM

Just to clarify - Wrack states, that shatterspike and glowfire to be upgraded in Piney Bluff, true - he but encountered the openended dialogue at villa (Van Arthog villa TC0422 as I interpret him).

Have just found out that Icar can upgrade Glowfire and Shatterspike in Piney Bluff after doing the Gaunlet quests.


Also wondering if atm the forge in the Villa is meant to lead to anything? Icar mentions he can't make anything in it because of the weave being too strong/out of control.

Shatterspike/Glowfire/Piney Bluff - i'm not involved there, i don't have either sword.

Van Arthog villa - i encountered the same problem where Icar states "something amiss" or something like that, don't remeber the exact wording. Wondering what would trigger/ activate this forge. I remember, I even cheated in Rurik there, as he was not part of my group at that time, just to test if he could do anything there (seemingly he can't).


In Topic: Weapon Upgrade Questions

18 April 2010 - 03:56 AM

Which forge? I need to know if it is in a house or if it is the forge outside. Also no quest requires you to kill Icar. You have the option to duel him if he did not join.

I'll just step in for a sec, because I've been wondering about the same point, where Icar has a dialogue that seemingly ends in Nirvana. Wrack must be referring to the forge in the van Arthog villa, on TC0422.

I don't have glowfire or shatterspike though, maybe that is why?
