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Member Since 03 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2010 07:41 AM

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In Topic: [Translation] Bioware NPC Names

04 February 2010 - 10:40 AM

At this point, I'm unclear as to whether you're trying to replace game NPCs with other NPCs of your own creation, simply rename and respec existing NPCs, or introduce 4 completely new NPCs to the game.

It'll be rename and respec existing NPCs. Since I have no talent for writeup so the most straight option is to hijack the official NPCs along with their stats and dialogues.

Oh, and I already worked out how to edit/replace names in .DLGs using WeiDU and translation method before I find out how to change their displayed names. Go figure. ^_^

Thanks for the thoughts still. I'm sure there are many other solutions in making them interested to play the game in vanilla, but so far this is the best I can think that fits my group the most.

In Topic: [Translation] Bioware NPC Names

04 February 2010 - 07:17 AM

What I would do is to get the Near Infinity from here(the NearInfinity beta 20.rar) and unpack it so it becomes a .jar file, the JSE6DK from here that you need to run the .jar file, and use it to open the game(it's perhaps best if you copy the whole game folder to somewhere else so you have a backup), open the dialog.tlk with the Near Infinity and find the names you wish to replace in it, and replace them.

Oh my god, that's so easy and simple. Tried and works. I'm glad I asked. Thank you very much. :Bow:

I still haven't tinker with .bam files, or how to put/replace additional .bmp so NearInfinity can detect them so it's hard to understand what you mean in next paragraph. Time to experiment again and I should be able to figure it out on my own.