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Member Since 02 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active Jul 20 2010 02:58 PM

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In Topic: Translations needed for version 4.0

23 February 2010 - 10:16 AM

I think that last Spanish version sounds good.

with this back and forth I realized that actually I had not corrected my Italian version (after realizing it speaks about his previous himself); so please use this one instead:

@76=~"Boss, dovremmo veramente sbarazzarci di questo tipo prima che si ricordi qualcosa di quel che l'ultimo te ha fatto."~ [MRT475CA]

I re-up the correct archive as well.

In Topic: Translations needed for version 4.0

23 February 2010 - 06:20 AM

Yeah, I could refine the translation. What it should be is:

@76=~"Jefe, tenemos que librarnos urgentemente de este tipo antes de que recuerde algo de lo último que le hiciste."~

As you say, the old one changed a bit the sentence, while this translation is more correct. Thanks for noticing!

Just wanted to add my two cents since I had the same issue in the Italian translation.
The meaning is really "before he remembers something of what the last incarnation of yourself did"; so I wonder if maybe something along these lines would be even more appropriate "tenemos que librarnos urgentemente de este tipo antes de que recuerde algo de que lo último tu le hiciste"; where "ultimo tu" means "your last incarnation".
But, hey, my specialty is Italian and French, not Spanish :D

In Topic: Translations needed for version 4.0

22 February 2010 - 08:19 PM

Hello Qwinn,
It's finally done. Here attached all the files translated and corrected in Italian (the XPDeionarra one was quite massive). I corrected also a couple of things in the files that I had attached previously.
Please check the readme file I included for a couple of things to clarify.

Looking forward to your next release

In Topic: Translations needed for version 4.0

21 February 2010 - 03:24 PM

While the original site with the Italian translation is dead, I was able to find an active blog that mirrors it: http://www.skyflash....t-del-team-itp/
For anyone interested, the same site hosts the translations of Morrowind from the same group that did Planescape (great quality)

In Topic: Translations needed for version 4.0

21 February 2010 - 11:53 AM

Thanks!  I was wondering, I admit :)

And I think there's actually more than one italian translation.  I was told one was considered good and one not so much, but I have no idea which is which.  Here's one:


I downloaded one at one point and I use it when I'm basically just copying pieces of strings and maybe just changing one word.  Not sure if this is the same version.


Thanks. I actually checked that link and got the archived page, but then was not able to access the download links archived page. I went over a couple of Italian forums and it seems like that translation was quite good (I was actually impressed by some of the lines translated in your files, I guess it is where you copied pieces of strings off that).
If you still have the downloaded files of that translation I would be very interested to get them (rapidshare if they are too big). It would be a shame that such a deal of work gets lost in the internet.

Here attached the first part of the translation. I still have to do fixpack.tra and XPDeionarra.tra. I checked and corrected all the others.
Please check the readme file I included, there are some points to clarify.
At what point in the game happens the dialogue inside XPDeionarra? As I'm still thru my 1st playthru, I don't want it to be too spoilery if it happens later in the game than where I am at.