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Member Since 24 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2011 01:21 PM

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In Topic: bug with Gerde quest, BGT 1.09

18 June 2010 - 02:41 AM

Neither of the commands seem to work. After typing I get:

lua: toLua - argument 3 of function 'SetGlobal' should be of type 'long'
Active Stack:
Active Stack:

I also checked Global Variables with ShadowKeeper and SPRITE_IS_DEADAnkheg got value 20 for me, so it seems it kept counting all those ankhegs I killed, but to no avail...

EDIT: Checked CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("P#KivanAnkheg","GLOBAL",1) as well and got msg from Kivan saying that we have killed enough, but she still says that I "can't stomach the fight..." - grrrr!

SUCCESS: CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("HelpGerde","GLOBAL",1) made Gerde realize I already did the job and she gave me my reward. The downside is that she left the map afterwards... is she needed for any other quest later on?

In Topic: bug with Gerde quest, BGT 1.09

18 June 2010 - 12:52 AM

So what do I do to finish the quest now? I took it after clearing the nest, so I killed less then 10 on this map and with no respawns it looks like I am borked, because when I talk to her I get the "Can't stomach the action...". Tried spawning some ankhegs with CLUA, but she doesn't seem to care how many I kill...

In Topic: IA bugs and fixes

16 February 2010 - 02:15 PM

I fail at reading readmes :P Too many mods! :P

In Topic: BiG World Setup

14 February 2010 - 01:58 PM

Not sure if I should post it here, but it seems like the most appropriate place. Got this error when BiG World Setup tried to update itself.

00: 63 - For $g_CurrentOrder = 1 To $g_Order[0][0]
00: 63 - For $g_CurrentOrder = 1 To $g_Order[0][0]
00: 64 - 	If $g_Order[$g_CurrentOrder][1] = '4' Then ContinueLoop
07: 216 - Func Au3ExTest($p_Num = 0)
00: 167 - Func _PrintDebug($p_String, $p_Show = 0)
+388 Calling Au3ExTest00: 168
00: 169 - 	If $p_Show = 1 Then MsgBox(64, $g_ProgName, $p_String)
07: 217 - 	_PrintDebug('+' & @ScriptLineNumber & ' Calling Au3ExTest')
07: 218 - 	$g_LogFile = $g_LogDir & '\BiG World Unpacking Debug.txt'
07: 219 - 	Local $Message = IniReadSection($g_TRAIni, 'Ex-Au3TestExtract'), $FNum = ''
12: 333 - 	If $p_Scroll = 1 Then
12: 334 - 		GUICtrlSetData($g_UI_Interact[6][2], '')
12: 335 - 		GUICtrlSetState($g_UI_Interact[6][2], $GUI_SHOW)
12: 336 - 		GUICtrlSetState($g_UI_Interact[6][3], $GUI_HIDE)
12: 341 - 	EndIf
05: 78 - Func _GetSTR($p_Handle, $p_Num)
05: 79 - 	$Value = StringReplace(_GetTR($p_Handle, $p_Num), '|', @CRLF)
07: 221 - 	GUICtrlSetData($g_UI_Interact[6][4], _GetSTR($Message, 'H1'))
07: 222 - 	GUICtrlSetData($g_UI_Interact[6][1], 0)
07: 223 - 	GUICtrlSetData($g_UI_Static[6][1], _GetTR($Message, 'L1'))
D:\Games\BGII - SoA\BiG World Setup\Includes_Traced\07_Extract.au3 (439) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:
For $e = 1 To $g_CurrentPackages[0][0]
For $e = 1 To $g_CurrentPackages^ ERROR
 - 35

Variable $e is not declared.
Value of $g_CurrentPackages: 1

In Topic: Buggy mods in "standard" setup?

14 February 2010 - 01:57 PM


I keep posting in wrong threads all the time :/