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Member Since 22 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Feb 22 2010 03:19 AM

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In Topic: Jetlaya at FAI?

21 February 2010 - 04:22 PM

*Looked trough the BWP manual*

Oh yeah, it's more like FreeBSD :)

Thanks a lot. I will export my current char somewhere and look into this way next time. Think this brain hardcore will start soon :)
It'll be the 4th time I try to reach BG2 after 1st part without bugs and glitches that lead to epic fail :)

In Topic: Jetlaya at FAI?

21 February 2010 - 03:33 PM

There were some errors during NEJ 2 installation , it's marked in my txt mods list. I think it installed only a part of it, not the whole.
Erhm, could you explain me some more about BWS? I installed mods manually without a direct order, only according to readmes attached to each of them.
Yeah, I got experience using MoveToArea in Bonehill early in past year when i tried to make a BGT compilation manually. This time it was better before i understood that missed a lot of content and finally got this bug.

But the point to walk through the whole BG1 again to reach proper BG2 with all stuff bores me.

I think i will take some beer and get drunk ;)

"What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a drunken sailor early in the morning..?"

UPD: Making a right BGT mods compilation is like patching KDE xD

In Topic: Jetlaya at FAI?

21 February 2010 - 02:16 PM

Hm, it's rather sad to me, cause don't want to run trough all BG1 one more time now. I've completed 7 chaperts in 5 days including bonehill and with detailed examination of each location. Yeah, got bugs and stuff, fox example, didn't get artifacts and weapons that are in the original game, in my compilation they just do not appear in places. Then had a break for 2 or 3 weeks, and now continued. I want to finish 1st part of the original saga and import my char into BG2 to play it soon.
Another time when I will play from the beginning (of course I will :) ) I will reinstall BGT with mods in order that you propose to me.

Now you made me doubt that mods installed on the second part of the game will work properly :)) cause I already have point that for some strange (for me) reasons cannot install NEJ 2, but the first part went okay.

In Topic: Jetlaya at FAI?

21 February 2010 - 10:25 AM

Here it is

Posted it via link cause of some ru txt encoding incompability.

Also if i can post the problem here (maybe my 2 problems are linked), get a strange thing when trying to install NTotSC over DSotSC.

cmd scrn

In Topic: Jetlaya at FAI?

21 February 2010 - 04:34 AM

Yeah, right I tried exactly that string.
Got "Error File DSJetlay does not exist"

Think that DSoTSC is just not installed. There is nothing about it in my WeiDu log.

Upd: Re-installed DSotSC, but Jet'Laya still doesn't appear near FAI gates, neither I could spawn her through CLUA.