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Member Since 21 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2010 04:08 PM

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big world worldmap help plz

21 January 2010 - 11:13 AM

Hi everyone, I'm newly registered but I've been visiting SHS for a long time, I'm a big fan :)

I have played through BG2 + TOB three or four times, twice with mods. This time I wanted to go all out.

I got the BiG World Mod and it is awesome so far. However last time I tired to megamod I ran into trouble...

I found that the worldmap mod that expands the world map didn't work and I ended up playing 1/3 of the game
multiple times through trying to get it to work before I just gave up.

BiG World seems to have installed just fine but my world map looks normal and when I get the "arena (regions of terror) added to world map" message from the town crier, nothing has been added to my map.

Is my map supposed to be larger than the average bg2 map? The pictures from worldmap I've seen included alot
more area and as I recall this is neccessary to play the bigger mods like shadows over soubar ect.

I don't want to put 10 or 20 hours into a game and then find out I have to start over because half the mods won't work because the map mod isn't working correctly.

So, should my map look like the normal bg2 map or should it be alot bigger? Does anybody have any advice? Anybody who can tell me anything, I greatly appreciate it!!!