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Member Since 19 Jan 2010
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2010 01:38 PM

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In Topic: I'm unable to successfully run the fixpack

19 January 2010 - 08:06 PM

God, it has been a long day...

I found out I probably won't be able to play Mechwarrior 4 online anymore after Mektek releases their 3.1 patch.. because they are releasing it through MTx which doesn't support Win ME.. I can't log into my Final Fantasy XI account for no apparent reason and support hasn't emailed me back.. and then this happened with Torment. BUT, there is one ray of sunshine today. Following Qwinn's advice to just uninstall and reinstall freakin' worked! I guess my retarded OS had a brain fart the first time I tried to install everything. Thanks for the advice that I should have tried in the first place.. but was too frustrated and stressed out to even think of. Everything works.. I've got it all patched up and modded with the fixpack and most tweaks and unfinished business and it runs perfectly.

I would also like to thank you for continued support and content for such an old game. Having a 450mhz processor and an antiquated OS leaves me with very few options in the gaming realm. Hopefully I'll find a job at some point this year and will be able to upgrade to a new PC, until then people like you are keeping me from eating my neighbor's barking dog raw with a wooden spoon.