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Member Since 26 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2011 01:48 PM

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In Topic: Silverale Inn and Afterwards

10 August 2011 - 06:01 PM

Interestingly, I do get the conversation that gives the "thank you" speech. However, that's the conversation I got before the fix as well. Checking my current save, I find that the ys_TalkedToGarGel global variable is already set to 20, so I presume it has been for some time.

I do get the conversation, but the journal jumps and there's no Eildaren to be found.

In Topic: Silverale Inn and Afterwards

10 August 2011 - 08:29 AM

Post Orb savegame attached.

In Topic: Silverale Inn and Afterwards

07 August 2011 - 06:21 AM

I zipped the entire save folder. My last uploads weren't zipped, merely renamed to the .txt file extension to trick the uploading restrictions - if you try to upload a .sav file, the forums software gives the message "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file." Anyway, I zipped the savegame folder in two formats, either should work. In both, I went back to a save where I had the orb but had not yet given it to Angharad, moved my party outside their house, and saved the game.

In Topic: Silverale Inn and Afterwards

06 August 2011 - 05:11 AM

I renamed them to .txt files because if I try to upload files with a .sav or .gam extension, I get an error. I should note I've been playing a BGT-BWP install, but up until now FFT has run bug-free.

Attached File  WORLDMAP.WMP.txt   452.91K   511 downloads
Attached File  Baldur.gam.txt   756.04K   527 downloads
Attached File  BALDUR.SAV.txt   2.67MB   629 downloads