As background I should start with the fact I heard about this site in a walkthrough. I installed the fixpack and the unfinished business mod. I then began new game to try out possible new options along the way.
This time through I got Annah early just in case I only got one chance to do the ask companions to help with Mourns-for-Trees (I wanted be sure I'd have the 3+ companions effect on the trees) and came back for Nameless' tomb and the Warren of Thoughts after talking to Lothar in the Lower Ward and getting his skull quest. I discovered a dialog bug involving Mantouk. His Lothar-based dialog seems to permanently enable so that even in the Warren of Thoughts he demands you give him a skull instead of going back to Lothar rather than the correct dialog for the area. The fact that this a bug is revealed by the fact that, if you talk to Lothar's wererat skull, it reveals that Mantouk's allegiance is a secret. From a story-based standpoint he should pretend not to know you at least for the benefit of the cranium rats and Many-as-One. Because of the dialog problem I missed the chance to use the Soego sent me option.
Member Since 17 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Jan 27 2010 09:09 AM