Hey, first post here. I've been trying various things from this thread: http://www.shsforums...-8-video-cards/
Anyway, that thread is a bit confusing. I've eliminated all the blocky fog of war stuff, flickering and other issues, but I can't get spells to work properly.
My computer doesn't crash or anything like that, but once a spell is cast, I get this crazy, blocky kaleidescope effect, and a huge slowdown. In fact, my computer runs a bit choppy until I restart.
Tried the nvidia fix, which did nothing.
Tried the D3Dwindower, and it doesn't seem to work properly. I set it up perfectly, and it doesn't even run the game in a window, so I know it's not working.
Tried to download and install the Microsoft compatibility program, and it won't install correctly. I'm assuming it's not meant to run in a 64 bit OS.
Tried this:
Fixing magic crash on Vista 64
My Vista 64 rig with 8800 (tried a few drivers) will not allow me to set the graphics acceleration bar down; it states that my "current display driver does not allow changes to be made to the hardware acceleration settings".
To play the game I set the following in Torment.ini:
Translucent Shadows=0
That didn't work either.
So, is there anything else I could do? It sucks too, because I've had this game since it came out, but never really had the patience for it till now :/
Member Since 12 Jan 2010Offline Last Active Jan 20 2010 10:40 AM